December 14th, 2009

[info]mfway in [info]from_the_ashes

Who: Mikey & Spencer & Nate
When: Friday Evening (back-dated) (30/10)
Where: Greenhouse Three
What: Hogsmeade

Mikey nudged open the Greenhouse door quietly, slipping inside and then shutting it gently behind him with a click. He'd never been more glad to see the back of a week in his life. Between restarting lessons, cleaning, cooking, repairing, and worrying about those in the Hospital Wing, he was a little tired.

It was a good kind of tired though. He felt pretty positive about all they'd managed to get done over the past few days. Meals were starting to come out with fewer and fewer accidents, the Entrance Hall wasn't looking quite so charred, and he hadn't stumbled across a forgotten bloodstain in hours.

It all added up to a bit of relaxation time in his mind. Where relaxation time meant an evening alone with the one person who seemed to be managing to avoid the worst of the castle chores.

He cleared his throat. "Hey."