December 13th, 2009

[info]ashes__mod in [info]from_the_ashes


To all staff,

We will be joined over the coming week by a representative from the Ministry of Magic. The Ministry is sending someone to counsel both students and staff in the aftermath of any recent trauma, to ensure the mental well-being of those at the school. Please sign up for appointments with the Ministry representative to attend a private counseling session. Anything you say during this time is private and will be disclosed only to authorized employees of the Ministry of Magic.

We are also hosting a representative of the Swedish Ministry, through the Department of International Magical Cooperation. Ms. Maja Ivarsson is here to aid in our efforts with making the castle safe and to study any recovered cursed objects which may be of interest to her field of study. Please give her your full cooperation in this matter, as well as any assistance she may need while settling in. I trust you all to put our best diplomatic foot forward in this matter.

If you have any questions regarding either of these points, please come see me in my office so that they can be addressed.

Headmaster Schechter

[info]ashes__mod in [info]from_the_ashes

[Owl to Nate Novarro]

Mr. Novarro,

Your request has been approved. Beginning next week, you will be assisting Professor Saporta with Potions work, Professor Way with practical Transfiguration demonstrations, Professor Lazzara with shielding charms in Defence, and Professor Smith with Herbology.

You are required to attend these classes only when your own class schedule allows, of course, and at the discretion of the teaching staff you will be assisting. You can work out which classes to attend and how to prepare for them with the professors directly. Please do not hesitate to cut back on the time commitment if you feel it is beginning to affect your grades. Your studies do come first, after all, and everyone understands that. After a few weeks, if you have found an affinity for a particular subject or professor, we can discuss making the arrangement permanent for the year.

Best wishes to you with this course of study.

Headmaster Schechter