December 11th, 2009

[info]watchfuleye in [info]from_the_ashes

Who: Gabe and William
When: Tuesday, last period, following this
Where: Potions classroom
What: Quite possibly a lot of railing

William barely waited until the clock had ticked over to the hour before marching down the stairs, all the way to the dungeons. He could see Gabe through the door as he approached, leaning back casually against his desk in lecture mode, so he didn't even wait before throwing the door open so hard it banged against the wall and storming inside.

"I know you know where I was," he raged. "I know because it's where I am every day. I know you can't possibly have been incompetent enough to forget that, or to forget that where I work is called the library, because it is full of books, and it is quiet. That is, in fact, one of the defining features of a library. It is a sacred, hallowed hall filled with precious written words and silence. Until this afternoon, when it was suddenly filled with the sound of your amplified shouting." He stabbed a furious finger at Gabe while he took a fresh breath for more volume. "You sent a HOWLER into a LIBRARY."

[info]inyrbasemnt in [info]from_the_ashes

Howler. To William. Tuesday afternoon. In Spanish