December 10th, 2009

[info]inyrbasemnt in [info]from_the_ashes

Who: Gabe and William
When: As the dust settles and the smoke clears, extremely early Monday morning
Where: What used to be the entrance hall, before William and Nate blew it up, the irresponsible vandals, tsk
What: Perfectly understandable reactions

The whole resurrection-of-Hogwarts business had gone a bit backwards in the past few days.

In fact, Gabe wasn't sure the entrance hall, at least, had looked this bad when he'd first arrived at the school. There were black scorchmarks on the walls and silver ones on the ceiling and house-elf ash and goo squished between the flagstones, though Gabe had to cop the mea culpa for some of that. The courtyard was going to have to be replanted - relandscaped; re-everythinged - though exterior decorating was really the last thing Gabe was thinking about as he picked his careful way across it.

One of the huge doors - which Gabe would've said were indestructible; clearly not - was simply gone, and the other just had its top corner hanging crazily from one hinge. Schechter had fixed it in place with a spell, but everyone still ducked nervously when they went under it. And really, everyone; the entrance hall might be gutted, but it was packed with people. Seemed like every surviving member of staff was there, along with half of the upper classes, which shouldn't be surprising, considering a lot of what had just transpired would've been visible from two of the commonrooms, and probably audible from the other two.

Gabe wasn't surprised, and he wasn't precisely displeased either. He was totally delighted to see them all looking so thrilled and victorious and, y'know, alive, but right now he was more interested in one person in particular.