.:.::. .:
Back January 14th, 2009 Forward
Fandom: Devil May Cry, Friending Topic: Devil May Cry

Fandom: Devil May Cry
Friending Topic: Devil May Cry

Whether you're a fan of the games, the manga, the comics, the novels, the anime, or all of the above, this is a friending meme for Capcom's underdog cash cow Devil May Cry.

If you're a fan, don't be scared to join [info]dmc! It needs some signs of life. :D

Vergil wears buttfloss. :x

Current Mood: awake awake
Current Music: thrice; silhouette
Phaeton [userpic]
Fandom: Hetalia, Friending Topic: Hetalia

Fandom: Hetalia
Friending Topic: Hetalia

Again a rather small fandom: I'm looking for people who want to share discussion and fanworks to Himaruya Hidekazu's web comic (Axis Powers) Hetalia. If you are a interested or a fan then don't be shy and friend me and/or join my new community [info]hetalia.

And don't forget to floss...

Caleb Widogast [userpic]
Fandom: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Friending Topic: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

Fandom: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Friending Topic: Gurren Lagann

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, fondly referred to as Gurren Lagann by it's fans is a series about a boy and his robot. It's a space opera but it's also a little bit comedy, alot of fan service, even more GARRRRACTION and then there are hints of touching romance. You can find out more about the series at it's Wikipedia Page. If you enjoy the series and would like to make friends with people within the fandom, then by all means fill out the meme and comment with it!

Remember kids, an apple a day keeps the beastmen away.. and when you floss, doubly so.

Current Music: Mark Owen - Hail Mary/Interlude
Back January 14th, 2009 Forward