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Fremont Storylines

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[16 Mar 2014|12:17am]
Hi there! I'm Kris, and I have this potential pending guy here, Zachary Van Allen. I wanted to try to drum up some plot for him and introduce myself, so... hello! I'm a bit shy but I will say this about myself: I'm much friendlier than Zachary here. I'd have picked a more outgoing, gregarious character to start with but we can't always pick which muses bite, amirite?

So Zachary is a mildly misanthropic Sophomore who talks to his imaginary friend more than he does any actual living, breathing people. He's not super expressive but he has mastered the withering look and the "what do you want?" single eyebrow raise. As one might imagine, he does not have an abundance of friends. Actually, he has more psychological diagnoses than he does friendships under his belt. Zachary is originally from New York, and he transferred to Fremont only this year. His first high school, in NY, was a disaster. Everyone thought he was crazy. Imagine that.

He's a tough nut to crack, I like to put it. He doesn't generally like people but he isn't asexual either; when the mood strikes him, he is very easy. But only when the mood strikes him, and that's not that often. Mostly he'd prefer that people go away until he wants something to do with them, and then they can come back. A charmer, I know. Zachary genuinely doesn't realize anything about the way he looks beyond getting a haircut when it starts needing its own zip code.

To be friends-ish with him, guys really only need to do two things: not call him Zach, and not call him crazy (to his face). If they can manage that, they avoid being loathed. However, in one of those quirks of personality, if a guy calls him Crazy Zach and pulls his hair and steals his books, he is more likely to have a ridiculous crush on them. Teasing gets him going, for whatever reason. As far as activities, Zachary is in AM Yoga and Creative Writing. If he's not pretending to use his phone so he can talk to his imaginary friend without everyone calling him insane, he's usually reading.

I'm looking forward to meeting everyone and being involved in this group!
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A new challenger approaches! [16 Mar 2014|03:07am]
Hey everybody! New player with a new character here. Meet Artur Fernandez, a rich kid from Chicago who got kicked out of his last school for being found in an incriminating situation. (Being blown by a girl during parent teacher night.) His parents are mostly just glad they caught Artur with a girl. Artur loves to fool around with guys, but it's sort of an open secret. He's calm, has a tendency for crude jokes, and can be a bit manipulative when he wants to get someone out of their clothes.

He's good with the Arty classes: History, Literature and Art, which is where he gets his better grades. He isn't a stand-out student: he blends in, not too much of a troublemaker, though he might sometimes try and hit on a hot teacher. He is intelligent enough, but not top of the class. He does do well in his Drama class (mostly because of his enthusiasm) and his Drawing class. He's good at that, drawing life-like portraits of people. All of his notebooks are dotted with little drawings and doodles as well.  He's always looking for models, and of course they get to decide how much they can take off.

He's an exhibitionist and won't let an opportunity to slip out of his t-shirt go by. It helps that he has a sexy body, due to his fondness for soccer and swimming. In addition, he's also a voyeur and a great believer in 'Try anything at least once'-mentality, though he doesn't like working too hard for it. Making it a game is fine, actively leading him isn't.

If any of that strikes a cord with you and your characters, drop me a comment! I'm Siks, and my contact post is up. You can also find me on AIM (Crissiks) though I'd rather not put that on the front page. I'm looking for ward to playing with you!
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[16 Mar 2014|10:17am]
So I'm working on this Harry Styles-inspired kid. I know almost nothing about him yet. I tentatively held secret 71 in case someone else wanted to play him as a twin. But it's really tentative. I may change it if I get a better idea. All I really know about him right now is he's a snowboarder in the winter and surfer in the summer. I'm debating whether to use the more clean cut younger Harry or the more grungy tattooed modern Harry. Opinions? He's a blank slate right now.

A few things I'm leaning toward:
- Junior, maybe a Senior
- California native, maybe San Diego?
- Maybe Bi? I lean to making him a power bottom. Are there too many bottoms in the game already?

EDIT: Eh, why get squicked out by your own character? I changed his secret to #95. He's blowing some kid so the kid does his homework and takes notes for him. That way he can keep up on his social life. Anyone up for getting blown a couple days a week? I'm looking at you, geeks and nerds. :)
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[16 Mar 2014|03:54pm]
Hello, I am Arika and this is Milo James Grosvenor Morgan VII, or Milo Jay, who I am hoping to bring here. I have been looking at this game for quite some time. I finally got up the nerve to create a boy for it.

Right now all I have for him is his secret #117, which of course means Milo is deaf. He is a bay area native, much like his writer. He comes from a wealthy family. I am leaning toward him being a junior, possibly into art, maybe dance. He is definitely more creative than into business like his grandfather would like. Milo was raised by his grandfather Milo Morgan V. Milo very much dances to the beat of his own drum, probably because he can not hear other people's beats. While Milo is profoundly deaf he does have hearing aids and with them he can have a conversation in a quiet room and pick up background noise. However he rarely uses them at school because it is far too noisy. He can speak, though he has severe accent, for lack of a better word for it, because of that he rarely speaks. Sign language and writing are his primary forms of communication. As per his secret he can lip read however it is not something he lets be known because he hates lipreading unless it is to spy on people.

ETA: Milo's bio is finished and open for people to read should they want.
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