November 10th, 2010

[info]ethereal_blaze in [info]freedem_uni

Who: Blaze and ??? (open)
What: Just me and Delta
Where:Dorm room.
When: 1pm
Rating: Prolly pg-13 for language.

But this photo of us, it don't have a price. )

[info]metallic_angel in [info]freedem_uni

Who: Ty & Locke
What: Friendship and trust. (Alternative 'what': Kicking 'trust falls' asses everywhere)
Where: Training center simulation room #5
When: Weds, Jan 10th, 2010 - 9pm
Rating: G?
Status: Ongoing

If it could bring them all into... Whatever the hell that was... It was big... And it was bad... And they probably didn't stand a chance in the world.  )