September 2nd, 2010

[info]bendtherules in [info]freedem_uni

Who: Sayuri and Touya
What: Meeting in the woods
Where: The edge of the woods
When: Around 7pm
Rating: ?
Status: Ongoing and incomplete

Am I late? )

[info]ethereal_blaze in [info]freedem_uni

Backdated to Friday the 27th

Who: Blaze and Mags
What: Teaching Mags how to fall. ( ::snerk:: )
Where: Reserved training room.
When: 4-5pm
Rating: PG.
Status: Complete.

I wanna hold 'em like they do in Texas please )

[info]fu_npcs in [info]freedem_uni


After having everyone write down on a piece of paper their top 3 selections and giving them back to her Hester took a few moments looking over the papers before smiling and looking back up at everyone.

"Looks like just about everyone gets their first choice."

She'll read off the slips of paper in the following manner, allowing each student to come up and grab their item as she calls off their name:

Amulet of tears == Touya
Wand of acid arrow --- Sayuri
Coin of combat === Locke
Heward's Handy haversack === Blaze
Cloak of resistance === Tsurugi
Bag of tricks ==== Emma
Potion of cure moderate wounds === Liadan

With the two items remaining she eye'd Ty and Mags for a moment before picking up both items, tossing the ioun stone to Ty she handed the vial of silversheen to Mags.

"And that's a wrap."