August 30th, 2010

[info]fu_npcs in [info]freedem_uni

Who: Arcane Professor Barrett Widmer & open
What: Around the library
Where: Arcane resource building
When: Today, whenever.
Rating: ?
Status: Open

Hefting a massive tome from one of the shelves Professor Widmer moved away from the well kept spell book shelves which still somehow managed to collect more dust than underneath his mothers bed. How it happened with all the powers and magic floating around campus he'd never be sure. Moving over to one of the long tables in the arcane resource center he carefully set the book down onto the table, a hand gliding over the cover, wiping away dust that had so rudely deposited it self there. A small smile graced his lips, which always seemed to look a little corny on his face. Ah how he loved these books and this school. It was unfortunate not as many students were as deeply passionate about their powers and learning as he'd hoped. Though when a truly motivated student walked through the doors it was always a great pleasure to begin working with them.

[info]snakes_ladders in [info]freedem_uni

Who: Locke and Liadan
What: A Day of Kite Flying
Where: In the Field
When: Friday, October 25th, In the Afternoon.
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. )