The Freak Show OOC
people are strange when you're a stranger...
The wind that blows into town smells like fried dough and kettle corn. In a distant field, skyscrapers of bright bulbs and churning machinery light the sky while tinny music and raucous shouts fill the air around the midway. The carnival's energy is contagious, but this isn't just any carnival that's come to town. This is the Freak Show.

To most patrons of the carnival, it appears to be fairly standard despite its old school flair-- but beneath the surface, the Freak Show is full of secrets. None of its workers have wound up there by accident. Many of them have gifts that simply cannot be explained-- eerie little affinities that have been passed down their family line, whether they are aware of this fact or not. Their talents have strengthened since joining the carnival, their strange skills almost impossible to ignore. They are bruja, rootworkers, strega, sorcières. Witches.

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September 2012


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Posts Tagged: 'memes'

Jun. 30th, 2012



breaking the ice

Icebreaker Meme

Here's a fun way for us to get to know each other's characters a little better! This is how it goes: first, comment with each of your characters and two things that we don't know about them yet! These can be little details not included in their bios such as personal effects they always carry or odd habits they have. (If you can think of more than two, feel free to include them. There's no limit!)

After you have commented with your character's facts, reply to other people's characters with the following questionnaire and fill in the blanks however you'd like!

1. What do you think of _____________ ?
2. When did you last ____________ ?
3. __________ or ___________ and why?
4. What's your favorite ______________ ?
5. Who would you most like to ________ ?

Copy & Paste. )