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Jul. 13th, 2009


R.I.P. Will of Scarlock

He may not have been the best of us, but he was one of the bravest

Jun. 15th, 2009


Hiatus? But I like us! (har har)

So, yeah, my unplanned hiatus here has turned out to be rather a long one, and for that I deeply apologize. I thought the summer was going to be easier when, in fact, it just made things crazier. So hopefully things will settle down and I'll be able to dedicate the time I want and need to this game, I'm just not sure when that's going to happen.

Apr. 27th, 2009


Hah, OK, I totally know Ghani and I talked about this somewhere but what's the Arthurian family look like in this game?

helping myself see visually )

Apr. 1st, 2009


Brainstorming with Ghani, I got tempted and I decided to bump Silvio back to full-time ([info]defideli) and to shuffle some NPCs.

At [info]subterra I have Jessika and her father and oldest sister who will get involved in a Darkness plot (as well as Fredi and Rosamund) and I moved three of my NPCs from [info]allies to [info]albatroz and added two new ones.

ETA Now with Yuki-onna and the Prince who looks kinda like Chris ;D

So Jade, here are my links, some new, some updated:


Hooray for boredom lots of free time!

Meet the latest member of the Jackson family: Jack Jr. aka J.J. I'm going with full-time character with him, so he might be moving from Greenleigh and Skye's NPC journal [info]suchgreatheight over to [info]nosilverlining, along with his NPC girlfriend, sometime soon, but for now he's set up at the former.

Mar. 28th, 2009


Mina's bio

Has received a major revamp (har har) so it's a lot more in depth now! Comments, feedback etc. would be appreciated if I got something wrong! Just let me know! [info]_lovebites

Mar. 26th, 2009


Benny's Bio

For those of you who want to know Benjamin's story, find it here.

Mar. 25th, 2009


Ghani, what's our plan for Mark/Much? I think it's your tag. :)

Jade, are we set with Silvio/Vlad? And, pointless question, is it cool if Silvio crashes there for the night?


New chicka...

Kaz here, introducing Natasha Kline...journalist after the hottest story in NYC, the FairyTale Killer.

I'm still planning the introductory it might be a bit on that.

Mar. 23rd, 2009


You met some of these NPCs before although now they actually have bios. I have also discovered that Herr Drosselmeyer is moonlighting as an author (I'm leaning towards crime, not sure yet) on This Side.

But let me introduce to you... )

Mar. 22nd, 2009


Another One?

Yep! This is one I'd been tossing around for a while, and I finally got down to making a journal for her.

[info]queenofdenial - Meet Sacha Arden, once known as Sekhmet the Lion Goddess. :D

Also, the mod journal has once again been updated to include new characters and such. :)

Mar. 21st, 2009


As if I don't have enough characters already!

Hee! Mina Harker's profile is up over at [info]_lovebites and she is ready for play! I was kind of considering having a book signing in New York; wouldn't it be fun if a bunch of other characters showed up, rather abashedly, to see her speak and get her autograph? It'd be fun to have a multi-character thread that's not, you know, massive in scope, like Clay and Janey's anniversary! So, let me know what y'all think!

BTW-My sister just got a notice from the courthouse today and they audited her citation! The cop who gave it to her got a slap on the wrist and she doesn't have to show up at the courthouse, yay! And best of all, the fine is actually under $100! *Does happy dance*

Mar. 20th, 2009


Another Update!

So I worked on the mod journal again. As always, check behind me. I changed the status of some characters, added news ones and PBs, added the new reservations, and added characters to the "singles" entry.

Muse, for any of your characters that the profiles weren't finished, I didn't add them. I want to wait until the bios are entirely finished before doing that, so make sure you post the links in the OOC community when you finish them. :)

Ghani, some of the characters we talked about in our plotting, just let me know in the comments which ones are considered "finished" so that I can add them. If they aren't yet, just announce them when they are. :)

And because Nessa never replied and dropped the game without any word, I moved her characters to the retired post.

Anything else? :D


Two New Characters

Well, I got two new people to introduce.

[info]take_heart - Wyatt Cain from Tin Man.

[info]coldandpale - Count Vlad Dracula

Whadaya think? Also, anyone wanna plot?

Mar. 19th, 2009



Is the Sinbad thread waiting for me? I was waiting for Marian, but if Marian's gonna hang in the kitchen for now, I'll post.

Mar. 16th, 2009


Quick Mod Note

Jade here! For some reason, the layout on the RP comm was effing up. So I had to temporarily change it to something else so that we can see posts. In a little bit, I'll try switching it back again. I just didn't want anyone to be alarmed if they saw that the community looked wonky.

Mar. 10th, 2009


Thank You, Ghani

...for creating a lovely genie for Ahmed, then giving me permission to tweak her.

I updated the profile post, giving her a back story and a nickname. I love her PB, btw! You are so good at picking them out! I had never been able to find one that suited me, which is why I'd kept her in the ring. She'll be debuting fully soon, I think.

BTW, Sinbad's back in the story for anyone who cares...Well, I'm sure Robin cares, considering it's his fridge being raided.

Mar. 6th, 2009


So I've brought two characters out of hiatus: Ambrose (as a main character) and Erik (as a NPC). I've revamped Erik's bio (via [info]allies) and made him part of the NYPD so his path crosses more easily with Dan's. I've also revamped Chris's bio (via [info]dusts) to explain his backstory. I'm not able to make a full return but I don't want to fall too far behind since this place seems to be rollin' again. I'll do what I can over the next couple of weeks to keep up. As always, thanks for your understanding and patience :)

Mar. 5th, 2009


Plotty plottingness

These characters have no plot:

DG (who might be going on hold just for a little while)
Jane (who might be getting a bump up to full-time character)
Dayna (save for her story with Thora, she's got nothing personal going on and now that she's among my full-time characters, it'd be nice to develop a little something for her)

At some point, I'm hoping to bring Raf and Rozalina together and I have a little something planned for Roza that'll at least shake her up a little bit but can also segue her into many a story.

Aaaaaand, I'd like to introduce you to my newest kidlet: Yasmine, Bluebeard's Ninth Wife at [info]curiositypeaked. Jade, we talked a little about her back when you came to visit, back when her PB was Felicia Day, heh. I have a general idea that she's going to be helping Will, running a support group for victims of giant violence and their family, but I don't have anything lined up for her personally and would love to plot!

Mar. 1st, 2009



I haven't had a chance to write up bios for each of them yet but I thought I'd do some introductions for my NPCs!

to know them is to, well, you know... )

So I have a lot of mini-bios to draft eventually ^^;; but I thought I'd at least put these kids out there and see if I can't get some plots rolling!

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