Thinking Liberally

Promoting Tolerance, Acceptance, and Freedom

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Thinking liberally


September 26th, 2007


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I thought I'd get us started with a NOW topic. But first I thought I'd introduce myself a little for those of you who don't know me. I'm an attorney that practices criminal defense work (that's the bulk of my practice) in the metro Detroit area. [info]chet_lemon is my much younger but brilliant sister and [info]xie_xie_xie is one of my illegal, same sex, polygamous internet wives and she's equally brilliant :)

I've no clue, but our story takes place in Jena, Louisiana. It started with some students (black) who wanted to join their friends (white) under a tree on school property that was "whites only". Problem # 1: How the hell did this continue to be an acceptable thing after Martin Luther King and Brown v. the Board of Education et al? The next day, nooses were hung in the tree. Problem # 2 (I'm sure needs no description and I've decided there's too many problems in this mess to keep counting them.) It escalated from there to taunting, arson and assault.

Not interesting and appalling enough for you? Try this on for size. No charges were filed when the nooses were hung in the tree (ummm can anyone say racial intimidation/hate crime). No charges were filed when the arson occured. A misdemeanor charge was filed, finally after a white man beat up a black teen. Of course charges of THEFT were filed against black teens who took a gun away from a white person threatening them. Of course charges were filed when a white student was assaulted (a white student who felt free to use the term n----r ... a white teen who was friends with the 3 students who hung the nooses in the tree). This leads us to the defendants, the Jena 6 as they've come to be known. (For those of you interested in more details GO HERE).

Listen, I'm not advocating violence or vigilante justice but what are people supposed to do when you enforce laws differently based on the color of your skin (or sexual preference or religion or anything)? I'm also not naive enough to believe that justice is really colorblind (hello, I practice criminal law in a major urban city) but this is separate systems completely...separate rules based on race and that's unacceptable and supposedly illegal and unconstitutional.

It makes me wonder: If this is going on today, out in the open, right in our criminal justice system, with the support of the local government, what else are we missing?

So much for the land of the free and the home of the brave.
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