Thinking Liberally

Promoting Tolerance, Acceptance, and Freedom

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Thinking liberally



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October 16th, 2008

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HOLLAND, Ohio - Joe the Plumber's story sprang a few leaks Thursday. Turns out that the man who was held up by John McCain as the typical, hard-working American taxpayer isn't really a licensed plumber. And court documents show he owes nearly $1,200 in back taxes.

Story on Yahoo!

October 15th, 2008

Not this time

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For you who are about to watch the debacle debate, I salute you...

October 14th, 2008

mccain tactic...

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here is what mccain brother-in-law, a devout republican, is voting for obama because he is so disgusted that mccain chose palin. but before that announcement, he had given money to the republican party. last week, he received a letter from mccain's committee in which he found a dollar bill and a note...(i'm paraphrasing) "please return this dollar along with $49 more dollars"...i'm happy to say that my BIL will be keeping the $1 and not returning anything!

October 13th, 2008

I love the gays

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October 11th, 2008

Voter Registration Inquiry

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This is crossposted from the Obama LJ community because I really need all the opinion I can get. I'm kinda panicking.

See, I'm a naturalized citizen. I had an oathtaking 2 weeks ago on September 26th. I filled out my voter registration form and headed to the people collecting them literally the second I got out of the auditorium. Note that these weren't Obama or McCain volunteers. They were personnels hired by USCIS themselves, and they were inside the building. The thing, however, is that we (my mom and I) gave our registration forms to someone not sitting on the long table. The guy looked nice enough, was standing CLOSE to the table and he informed us how to get to a place we were looking for (the passport area), so we assumed that he was one of the official people working there, and it was safe to give the forms to him. So we did, the guy took the forms without hesitation (another reason why we were sure he was a volunteer there) and off we went to the passport area. Now though, I'm really thinking back on it.

~go vote~

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PBS has a poll asking whether Sarah Palin is qualified to run the country and so far, it's a tie. So please, for the love of OBAMA, go vote!


Rachel on Leno

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Didja see her the other night?

The link is from HuffPo. The video is from Hulu (I think). Anyway, there wasn't any embed code that I saw, so the short article is linked, too.

October 10th, 2008

Guess what? Palin abused power!

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Report: Palin's personal ties "likely contributing factor" to commissioner's firing

Do feel free to post your FAIL macros here. ;-)

Heeeey, Joe.

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Biden's Politeness with Palin is Over.

It's such a shame that he was put under so much pressure to restrict himself. Otherwise, he would have TORN her to pieces in that debate.

October 8th, 2008

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Meanwhile, Sarah Palin has said that Obama's strategy of linking McCain to Bush is wearing 'thin.' Oh snaps!! This PROVES that this lady doesn't read newspapers. Anyone can see that people are sick of W and Dick. And people aren't stupid -- they can see that McCain is four more years of the same.
The debate last night was not as good as the first, imho. But I love how Obama said, "The Straight Talk Express just lost a wheel." Or when he retorted by saying he doesn't understand how we diverted our attention from Afghanistan onto Iraq. He definitely overshadowed McCain.

-PS- I love how her "debate" didn't boost numbers for McCain. Wow. The mystique of the Palin factor, LOL!!

October 6th, 2008

A little music for you all...

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This is a repost from my IJ...[info]happier_bunny suggested I post it here...

Sing-a-long, why don't you? )

October 2nd, 2008

Life Isn't Fair!!!

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I'm seriously cracking the fuck up.

Excited about the debate? So is JOE!!

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Okay, I just watched the funniest slide show EVER!!!!

Step over here to 23/6 and prepare for the debate!


Tonight's gonna be fun!!!

October 1st, 2008

Well, I may hate their ticket but ...

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... at least they're not all a totally lost cause.

Interesting Republicans Against 8 ad:

Too bad McCain and Palin don't agree.

Compare and Contrast

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Man, this vid is teh WIN! It absolutely speaks for itself, just watch. XD

September 30th, 2008

The GOP can kiss my black ass!

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Oh, the Republicans are really trying to win the hearts and minds of minority folks, yes they are!

Didi Lima, GOP communications liaison for Clark County, Nevada, and Hispanic community liaison for the McCain campaign got booted from her job.



Wanna know why?

Because she said this:

We don’t want (Hispanics) to become the new African-American community,” Lima said. “And that’s what the Democratic Party is going to do to them: create more programs and give them handouts, food stamps and checks for this and checks for that. We don’t want that.”

“I’m very much afraid that the Democratic Party is going to do the same thing that they did with the African-American culture and make them all dependent on the government and we don’t want that,” she said.

check this shit out!


But wait! There's more!!

Not only do black folks sit on their asses and collect welfare, you know, when we're not rapping or playing sports or shooting each other, we're breaking Wall St.

Say what??

You damn skippy!

The Clinton administration turned Freddie and Fannie into a "semi-nationalized monopoly," Bachmann argued. Specifically, that administration decided to make loans through the Community Reinvestment Act "on the basis of race and often on little else."

So, we broke Wall Street by buying houses that we couldn't afford, using our welfare checks.

Got it.

Be careful, Rep Bachmann, the Congressional Black Caucus might might want to have a word with you!

It's interesting. People are even trying to hide the fact that they are bigoted asshats. Also, does this help the women's movement? Anyone? Bueller?

September 29th, 2008

Think liberally -- and keep giving

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There are 36 days until the election of our lifetimes.

Today, our economy has crashed and burned, thanks to eight years of Republican rule. It's time to change the balance of power in this nation -- long past time. And you, yes YOU, can make it happen.

That's because there are more of us than there are of them. More Democrats than Republicans, more people who want change than want more of the same, more people who want solutions to our real, painful problems -- to healthcare, to job loss and insecurity, to rising prices -- than want to see the rich get theirs while we get screwed.

Barack Obama has raised more money from more small donors than any candidate in history. He has an army of Get out the Vote volunteers, voter registration workers, and campaign staff, working to make sure our voices are heard in this election.

Make yours heard today -- you gave $250 last time we asked. Help us, in the next 36 days, reach our goal of raising one thousand dollars for Barack Obama and Joe Biden.

Even if it's only ten dollars, support Barack Obama's historic campaign. We can make "Yes, we can!" become "Yes, we did!"

We hope you'll click on the [info]forwardthinking   fundraising page at the Barack Obama official campaign website. We're all giving -- we hope you will, too.

September 28th, 2008

My feelings exactly.

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In the midst of writing today, I actually did get a moment to look through the flist and I came across this post by [info]cavalaxis. For the best part of a year, I've had difficulty putting into words why I feel so strongly that Obama should be our (the US's) next president. It's not just about policy or about the issues. It goes deeper than that for me. [info]cavalaxis put into words what I've been feeling. If you read one political post this election year, read this one.

Don't miss this

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For those of you who don't already know, Sinfest has been getting startlingly good for the last few days ... no, I mean even more so.

But today's offering is simply ... well ... a BLOCKBUSTER.

Not that it's anything we didn't already know, but holicrapoli!

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