Jul. 25th, 2012


Weekend Hiatus

Hey guys! Just letting you guys know that after tonight, I will be either posting/tagging rarely, or not at all. It's Con weekend, and for the first time, I will be in a hotel the entire weekend! late night ice cream runs, here I come!!

This effects:

Jul. 22nd, 2012



Castiel, Clint, and Phil are all back to their regular schedules! (:

Jul. 21st, 2012


So the first plotty event! Yes, it's that time. We're gonna start small so no giant robots quite yet, but instead the people in the house are going to have to deal with something even more terrifying:

the outside world.

In the X-Men universe, there are groups called H.A.Ms (Humans Against Mutants). They're going to have caught wind of the mansion and slowly, the characters are going to start seeing more people outside, protesting, some even rioting later in the week.

This event is going to be about a week long, might run a little longer pending on what exactly happens since everyone will react differently to the hostile and non-hostile H.A.Ms. Also, when they start to get more violent (which I'll make a post about later in the week), they'll target everyone in the house - not just the mutants or powered people.

Feel free to start posting about this as of now! :) And please drop a comment if you wouldn't mind one or two of your characters to be harmed/wounded later in the event.

Jul. 20th, 2012


First plot's just around the corner. I'll post it up later tonight, so be on the look out! Hopefully, it'll spice up activity. :)

Jul. 17th, 2012


The boys and I are home, and once I get settled back into my regular routine, they will start posting and playing. Wheeee. It may take a day or two to get back in the swing of things, so bear with me, and don't be afraid to poke if you need something, or just want to plot.

Jul. 12th, 2012


Hi all,

Sorry for my absence. My computer's hard drive blanked out a week or so ago, so we had to get a new one installed. But I'm back now and ready to play again, also open to any plotting with people. I'm going to go take care of my tags stuff shortly too, as well as do some new tags also.

- Mike (Clark, Damien, Magneto, Maxxie)

Jul. 9th, 2012


New Player!


I'm sAmmii, and I'm excited to be here. :)

I'm bringing in Ron Weasley from Harry Potter...and I assume everyone here knows who he is? He's coming in immediately after the trio escapes from Malfoy Manor in HP7, so he may be a bit angsty, but I look forward to playing with all of you!

I am open to any and all plotting! Feel free to message me here, or email me at sammii.mun@gmail.com

Can't wait!

Jul. 8th, 2012


Hey, guys. Misha here. Just a little note to say I'm going north tomorrow, which will be no relief from the heat, but it's necessary anyway.

I'm going to visit my brother, and my goddaughter. I should be online fairly regularly while I'm at my brother's, at least in the evening, but I'll be with my best friend Thursday and Friday, and I don't expect to be online at all while I'm there.

Heck, you may not even realise I'm MIA, but just in case I can't get online or whatever I thought I'd post the notice to let you know I haven't actually jumped ship! I'll be back Tuesday July 17.

Jul. 5th, 2012


Hi. I think I know most everyone here. I'm Misha, and I'm bringing just two to start. This, of couse, is Sam WInchester from Supernatural. he's coming in at the current time line, end of S7.

My second is Thomas Raith from Dresden Files. I may consider more, once I get these two settled. I will try and get them intro'd in game this weekend. And then I will be away from home for about a week or so, so my RP time will be scarce, but it's entirely possible I'll be around about the same as usual. I tend to hide out on my computer when at my brother's place...

But yes. Sammy and Tommy are here for plot and play.

Jul. 4th, 2012


Hai everybody! (hi dr nick!) I'm back again with my second pup (I know, shocking right.)

This here is Pyro, of X-men fame. He's 17, has a bit of a 'tude problem, lacks repsect for authority and can generally be mouthy and your basic annoying teenager. He's also your residant fire starter, and has no problem using his power on anyone if they piss him off. I'm mostly taking him from movie-verse with a tad bit of old school comic-verse thrown in (because, uhm, I've kind of lost track of all things comics verse)

Plot would amazing if you got any!

Jul. 1st, 2012


Ash here with a few more pups to my list!

Murphy MacManus of Boondock Saints, who will be post first movie and will have the power of Living Light Generation (take a peek at his app. for info)

Jason Todd of the DC Universe, who will be from after the events of the animated movie of Under The Red Hood.

And finally Steve Rogers aka Captain America of Avengers, who will be post Avengers movie and as you already saw - doesn't like waking up in weird places.

All are up for plots~

Jun. 28th, 2012


Brought in two more characters

Dinah Lance ~ Black Canary - before the reboot of the comics.

Also Tabitha Smith ~ Boom Boom [info]badoomboomboom  (I blame the song superbass for the username.)

Both are up for plots and all that jazz.

Jun. 25th, 2012


Hello all! My name is Robin and I'm bringing in Castiel circa "Swan Song", Agent Phil Coulson, and Agent Clint Barton A.K.A. Hawkeye. Coulson and Barton are new in my brain and I'm excited to try them out!

You can contact me for plot at trickster8888@gmail.com or trickster8899 on AIM. (:


HI EVERYBODY! (HI DR NICK!)I'm Michelle and I bring you the gift of my one pup here. Stewie Griffin!

Stewie is from the cartoon Family Guy, so of course he'll bring some Lulz with him, but he wouldn't be my favorite charie if I didn't have a whole thing for him now would he? Most of it can be found in his bio, but for those more interested: Stewie is 20ish (and ironicaly, a freshman college student), even though he's older he still wants world domination. He's also over his whole 'kill Lois' phase and has been for a while (Killing Peter on the other hand...) he's also got an IQ thats off the scales, is realllllllllly good at building weapons and other tech...but getting it to work is another thing entirely. Oh yeah, he's also gay. Now that he's old enough to understand what that really is (Though I make an exception if anyone plays Maggie Simpson from the Simpsons..their my crossover OTP ok? ok!)

Plot would be LOVE coughconsideringthisismysfirsttimeplayinghiminforever,begentleok?cough and if you have more questions your welcome to hunt me down on AIM. withabrokenwings is where you can find me usually. I'm almost always on. Unless I'm not.

Questions/comments/death threats/marriage proposels?

Jun. 24th, 2012


Hey guys. This is Heather. I know I've played with some of you in the past, so I'm really happy to join this game, and continue playing with you now! First I have Angel, and she's of course, from Maximum Ride. Be kind to her, as she's small, even if she is smart on some matters.


Hi! I'm Li, this is Krissy Chambers from Supernatural 7x11, Adventures in Babysitting. She's in her 20s now, pursuing the very "respectable" profession of nursing--and patching up hunters on the side. Because you can take the girl out of the hunt...


Hi all,

Love this new game, so awesome. I'm Mike. I have AIM at shoot the wings, always up for plotting anytime. Here's my characters.

Clark Kent | Smallville | [info]boy_scout. He comes from the series finale, but before the jump to 2018. He just stopped Darkseid and Apokolips, he can fly now, has the costume (usually under the work clothes), saved the world, and fully accepted his destiny as Superman. He was out working a story before waking up here. He's definitely a hero type so he'd fit right in with the mutant crowd, plus being an alien means he understands the concern of normal people in the world treating them differently. He is roomed with Faye Chamberlain.

Damien Thorn | The Omen | [info]ceo_antichrist. Son of Satan and a jackal, he is the Antichrist (but can pretend to be a good, nice guy if it suits him). He's between the second and third movie so he's 18 here. Accidents also happened to his enemies, he has various abilities due to what he is. His voice is seemingly American, but with a bit of a British accent to it. He had also just been given the reigns of his global company, had a lot of followers, fame, and was all set to continue his education at Yale. He's roomed with Diana Meade. Oh, and if there happen to be any baddies, or Brotherhood types, that may be a possible plot idea later on too. Oh.. and I just thought of this! His PB was the same as Beast (before the fur) in XMFC. That could be amusing interaction lol. Since.. "The Beast" is Damien's secret title too, haha. ;)

Erik Lensherr | X-Men | [info]the_better_man. Erik is from the XMFC movie at the end, so he's younger. He had just helped the team defeat Shaw, though he killed him. He did agree with what he said. Except the guy killed his mother, which was a big no-no. And he took the special helmet as his own too. But then both Russia and China navies turned on them, causing him to retaliate, but was stopped by Xavier. The fight ended in a bullet hitting his friend's spine. Erik went his separate ways, leaving with Raven and the mutants they had been fighting against. His reason for being here is in part to a slight time rip (probably combined with Azazel's teleporting), and now he is in the future. The place may seem a bit familiar to him. He is roomed with Raven, also from his time.

Maxxie Oliver | Skins | [info]notahobby. He is from the UK version of Skins, after the second season. Maxxie is the blond dancer from Bristol with aspirations of Broadway. He likes parties, dance, sketching, guys, singing, toast, and hanging out with people. He also has a new power after coming here. He can fly! He will probably discover it shortly while doing one of his dance routines or something. It will definitely be a shock since he thought the idea of powers was just in the movies. Lol.


Hi, I'm Tawni. I'm the co-mod. I like crackers, and I drink a lot of water.

I also play:

Connor MacManus from Boondock Saints
Bruce Banner, also known as the Hulk from Avengers
Jesse Turner, the antichrist, from Supernatural
Dean Winchester, pre-selling Anna out to the angels, from Supernatural
Arthur, the master planner, from Inception
The Doctor, the one and only number 10, from Doctor Who
Rory, the man who waited, from Doctor Who

That's all, if you'd like plot, I'd love to hear it. Thanks a bunches!



The game is now officially open. I"m really excited to give this game another shot, but before I ramble, I better get to the basics.

My name is Ash and I'm one of the mods. I ran Fortes Et Liber about a year or two ago on Livejournal and we had a year run until things started winding down and my co-mod shut the game down. In game, I only have two characters: Scott Summers aka Cyclops, who is AU in which he did not hit his head during the plane crash as a child and he's a bit young; and an OC named Samuel Reading who's a thief with super speed.

Should you have any questions or concerns, give a poke to the drop box I just set up in the mod journal or contact me on aim @ acoldburden or via email @ bellatrixkale23@gmail.com.

Really hope ya'll have fun here! We've got some good events planned for the future. :)