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Forgotten Gods

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Said there'd be no going back. Promised myself I'd never be that sad. [Oct. 29th, 2010|03:29 am]

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Who: Loki ([info]no_name_face) & Sif ([info]mountain_ashes)
What: A chance encounter between Sif and Loki. It's not cheating.
Where: Asgard.
When: Summer, way back when.
Warnings: None.

Maybe that's why you've come along to show me, it's not always bad )
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I could really use a wish right now. [Sep. 10th, 2010|11:32 pm]

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Who: Loki ([info]no_name_face) and Odin ([info]_wanderer_)
What: The gods have had enough of the Trickster. The rest is just rubbing salt in the wound.
Where: Bound to the rocks.
When: When the Norse still ruled the world and everyone else was but specks of dust.
Warnings: Violence.

You get another hand soon after you fold. )
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You see right through me. [Aug. 9th, 2010|03:33 pm]

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Who: Heimdall ([info]mr_white), Loki ([info]no_name_face), Odin ([info]_wanderer_), Thor ([info]wheresmyhammer)
What: Loki borrows something he maybe should have asked to borrow first. Norse boys aren't impressed.
Where: Lawrenceville School.
When: 1920s
Warnings: A bloodied Trickster, eventually, and a dose of hilarity, perhaps.

I have done something wrong, that I have crossed the line - have you found out this time? )
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[May. 8th, 2008|10:59 pm]
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Who: Nex & Loki
When: March, 2003; evening
Where: Small Unknown Bar, Manhattan

How Two Friends Meet )
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