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Forgotten Gods

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[Aug. 30th, 2011|10:06 pm]
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Who: Kali [[info]_kala_] & Crow [[info]burntblackcrow]
When: Summer 1982
Where: Malibu, California,
Warnings: TBA

Malibu at sunset was made for a postcard. )
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[Dec. 1st, 2009|06:48 pm]
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Who: Kali & Krishna, NPC Uma, other various unnamed groups of NPC'd Hindu-Americans
When: October 17, 2009
Where: Club Shanti
What: Second day of Diwali: Kali Puja & Narak Chaturdashi, celebration
Warnings:: None.

Shanti felt more like a temple tonight than a night club. )
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