Forgotten Gods: Histories [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Forgotten Gods

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[Sep. 28th, 2010|06:01 pm]


WHO: Hathor
WHEN: Some unnamed date in Ancient Egypt
WHERE: Egypt
WHAT: Creation and the aftermath of killing
NOTES: Written as a little narrative, but completely open if someone wanted to reply.

It's a beautiful life, under restless and fluorescent skies )
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[Jun. 22nd, 2010|10:40 am]

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WHO: Hathor & Alastair Ramsey
WHEN: Spring, 1986
WHERE: A bar in Seattle.
WHAT: An Egyptian Goddess of music schmoozing with the band.
WARNINGS: Other than Hathor hitting on musicians? Probably not much.

Wrapped up in the pleasures of the world )
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[Jun. 14th, 2010|07:50 pm]

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WHO: Hathor, Sekhmet, Bast
WHEN: A warm summer night in 1924
WHERE: A small jazz club in Harlem, New York
WHAT: Three Egyptian goddesses in a golden age
WARNINGS: TBD (probably nothing though)

It's cost me a lot, but there's one thing that I've got )
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