Forgotten Gods: Histories [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Forgotten Gods

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[Jun. 14th, 2010|10:04 pm]
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Who: The Kappa and Elatreus
What: A kidnapping and a misunderstanding. Then an understanding and painful social inabilities.
When: Sometime during the 1940s
Where: The swamplands of Louisiana
Warning: Eating things alive, nudity, probably mentions of eating humans and murder. It's the kappa and a cyclops. So yeah...

Walk with my my little friend, take this promise to the end. )
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And I would have stayed up with you all night [May. 16th, 2010|12:03 am]

Who: Gaia, closed narrative. Some Ouranos.
What: The San Fernando Valley earthquake of 1971. There's only so much a mother can lose.
Where: See above. >_>
When: ...Yep.

Had I known how to save a life )
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