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Spinning twisting in my hand [Mar. 14th, 2010|05:44 pm]

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[mood | content]

Who: Aim ([info]torchit) & Sonneillon ([info]sonnydelight)
What: An unexpected visitor... Oh look! It's King Worthless' minion!
Where: The rocky plains Great Duke Aim calls his own in Hell
When: 1793
Warnings: TBA

I hold the key to this wasteland )
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And when it's sleeping time - That's when we rise [Jan. 7th, 2010|11:06 pm]

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Who: Aim ([info]torchit) & Berith ([info]the_midas_touch)
What: Money, money, more money!
Where: New York City
When: Summer 1923
Warnings: tba

Our clocks don't chime. What a surprise! They ring-a-ding-ding! )
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Don't need reason, don't need rhyme - Ain't nothing I would rather do. [Nov. 9th, 2009|09:14 pm]

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[mood |sluggish]
[music |AC/DC - Highway to hell]

Who: Aim ([info]torchit) and Berith ([info]the_midas_touch)
What: Chillaxin' down in Hell's backyard, yo
Where: IN THE FLAMIN', FIERY PITS O' HELL Hell's barren wastelands.
When: Ages ago.
Warnings: Be careful - watch your step; don't step on the lava.

Goin' down, partay time - my friends are gonna be there too; I'm on a highway to Hell~ HAAIIIGHWAY TO HELL- oh shut up Aim you can't sing for shit. )
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