Forgotten Gods - April 1st, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Forgotten Gods OOC

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April 1st, 2011

Hi Everyone [Apr. 1st, 2011|08:14 am]


Hi guys, I'm Tim a newbie to the game. And, I bring you Eostre, or Easter as she likes to be called. Played by the lovely Gwen Stefani. For those of you that have read the novel American Gods, she pretty much exactly like she's described in the book. She was always my favorite character and I'm so stoked to get the chance to play her. She tends to get along with pretty much everybody, and if she can't then she'll just shrug her shoulders and walk away, lol. So if anybody wants to have a scene with her just let me know. I'll be bringing in another character soon, but anyway, hope to see you all around. Later.
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