Forgotten Gods - October 27th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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October 27th, 2010

[Oct. 27th, 2010|08:31 pm]


Hi everyone,

First of all - apologies about the radio silence from our end. We're going through a bit of a rough patch in the game and things are going a little slower than usual.

I just want to reassure everyone that it's still business as usual at FG. We hope to do a series of updates to reflect both new and dropped characters - it is currently activity check period and we hope to have everything updated by the time the HMD post goes up.

For those of who you have sent in applications - the last time they were reviewed was around the 20th of October, so again we apologise for the delay and hope to rectify that by the end of next week as well. You are still welcome to put in new apps but please be aware that we will need some time to look over them and you may not get a response until the start of November.

If you put in any holds during this time, it will automatically end on Monday the 8th of November. We hope this gives you enough time to write your apps and give us enough time to sort out the administrative details as well.

We ask for your patience and understanding during this time.

Please direct any further enquiries to forgotten[dot]mods[at]gmail[dot]com and we will get back to you ASAP.

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[Oct. 27th, 2010|10:49 pm]


So, FG, I think it's about time for a sexy classy party.

As some of you may remember, somewhere in the distant, hazy past I said that Triton was inviting creative people of all types to contribute what they would to a show dedicated to Triteia. As is the usual for me, I let more time pass between then and now than I'd intended, but I guess the timing now might be good.

The very first show will be held soon, Possibly the first week/weekend of November, and since Triton is taking personal matters into consideration, it will be held in Hawaii. Anyone who has a character who wishes to contribute anything, let me know and whatever they create will be on display, even if your character can't attend for whatever reason. Of course, anything in the first show will go on to be in consecutive shows.

Invitations will be extended to those Triton holds near and dear, and of course, anyone contributing or with an interest in the arts is more than welcome to join the fun. There will be a log for the show, so who knows? This might be a chance to mix characters who haven't otherwise had the chance to meet.

You can leave me a comment, catch me on AIM, or send me an e-mail if you have a character with anything to add to the show.
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