Forgotten Gods - August 30th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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August 30th, 2010

hiatus [Aug. 30th, 2010|12:49 am]


Cumulative eye strain/chronic headaches/more than five minutes looking at the computer at a time burns like fire oh god send help.

Going from slowatus to hiatus. Sorry to fellow Egyptian muns- can't computer enough to tag. Be back to slowatus when eyes stop burning (a week at most). Back off slowatus when writing muses come back. Me use bad syntax oh lordy Email is best to reach me; won't be on AIM much. Expect short if any email replies for now.

AND REMEMBER: friends don't let friends get eye strain. Plz take better care of yourselves than I do.
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[Aug. 30th, 2010|02:45 pm]



Hi everyone,

I've made a couple of mod posts in the past about the importance of communication - namely, of talking to players when you have a problem of them. I don't particularly feel like repeating myself, but in this case I feel like it hasn't sunk in for a lot of people. So I'm going to be completely blunt.

Bitchiness, passive-aggression, gossiping, complaining behind people's backs? It's not fucking on.

We are all adults, and I expect us all to behave like adults. That means that if you have a problem with somebody - whether it's their behaviour, their characterisation, their writing, their choice of beverage, whatever - you talk to them. Or, if that's too daunting, you bring it up with the mods. You do not proceed to bitch about it to anyone who'll listen, or passive-aggressively snub people, or create needless drama.

I know I'm not the only one who's sick of this. I'm not the only one who finds it hard to get motivated, to get myself as excited as I used to about this game that I love because I'm just tired to death of the fucking drama. In fact, I think I can safely say that most of us are sick of it, and it's got to stop.

And I know that everybody needs to let off some steam sometime, but there can be a fine line between venting frustrations and just being nasty - and unfortunately there are a number of people in this game who've crossed it. And when you don't even try to communicate with a person - when you, in fact, actively avoid talking to them while continuing to slam them behind their back? That is way, way over the line.

I don't expect everybody here to get along. In any game there are bound to be some personality clashes, some people who work together better than others - that's only natural. What I do expect is that everybody - everybody - is treated with respect.

We're all adults here. Now let's start acting like it.

- Jess
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Hiatus/Slowatus notice [Aug. 30th, 2010|03:32 pm]


[mood | anxious]

Hey all, Jill here, I've been dealing with some change-ups at work that are causing me major stresses, and there's some family crap going down I've gotten dragged into, so while I'll be around I'm having some issues keeping up with stuff and wanted to provide notice so nobody thinks I'm deliberately ignoring them or something. I will do my best to keep up but I make no promises.

Thank you.

Edited to add: Derp, this affects Blues, Comic Books, Echo, Hyakinthos, Hymenaios, Iasion, Kieran, Lilibeth, Mordred, Persephone, and Thetis. I give things 2-3 weeks at most until the headesking wears off. ^^
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