Forgotten Gods - August 22nd, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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August 22nd, 2010

[Aug. 22nd, 2010|12:49 am]
[mood | drained]
[music |Lynyrd Skynyrd - That Ain't My America]

Hey guys, Liz here. I'm joining the ranks of those on slowatus, probably until Wednesday/Thursday. My grandmother passed away Friday, so I'll be spending a lot more time with my family until the funeral. If I owe you tags, don't hesitate to give me a poke and remind me, I'll just probably be kind of slow about it.

-Liz (Dolos & Datura)
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[Aug. 22nd, 2010|09:44 am]
Well, things seem to have settled down IRL, so this should hopefully be the end of my slowatus/general fail.

In order to celebrate, I bring you a new character. Well, technically, an old character. This is Elena Torres, leader of a cult worshipping the old gods of the Americas. She's been one of Quetzalcoatl's NPCs for a while, but now has her own shiny journal at [info]giveusyourheart

Also introducing one of her NPCs, Eddie Carlson, PB'd by Alex Meraz. (Hot Twilight werewolves, ASSEMBLE). Eddie's a member of the cult, and works as an EMT, which allows him access to the blood and occasional organ the cult finds itself in need of. He's also going to try and be a nagual or one of Coyote's skinwalkers.

My contact info remains the same as ever, and I'm always up for plottings and other fun!

-Chelsea [Quetzalcoatl, Osiris, St. George, Lizzie Borden, Fenrir, Facebook, Elena]
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[Aug. 22nd, 2010|04:20 pm]

I'm... still Shar actually. And you can still find everything you need to offer me crit or get in contact with me here. So now that we're done with that review, I'd like to introduce you to my ~*~ new character ~*~

This is Pele, Hawaiian (Or Peloponnese if you wanna go broad) Goddess of Fire, Volcanoes, Lightning and Dance. She is on Hawaii and occasionally goes out to FUCK WITH PEOPLE who STEAL HER SHIT. She has a penchant for having explosive arguments then apologizing profusely and then forgetting about them. Pele also works as a metal artist and a dance teacher when she isn't traveling around Hawaii boning dudes and bumming ciggies off of people. Also, being a tiny white dog, but that's relative...

If anyone and I mean ANYONE wants to have fun time interactions with Pele, then feel free to let me know here or in my journal or in an email or in a PM or in an IM, anyway really. If you're outside of Hawaii, then chances are she'll probably pay a visit to you anyway because she needs to "curse" someone for stealing her sacred lava rocks.
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