Forgotten Gods - August 12th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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August 12th, 2010

[Aug. 12th, 2010|12:00 pm]
Should have done this a while back, but as I am fail!Sid, it did not happen. Short story shortened, I need something of a time-out from FG, just until I can get back to college/finish up real life stuff/be an anti-social hermit and do my own thing/get my life in order/work in a low-pressure environment. So! Hiatus for a few weeks (until the end of August or so), then I'll be back for more pretendy fun times and love for all. ♥

I'm so sorry to the plots/tags I have yet to finish, but as always, you guys can e-mail me and even if I can't tag, we can discuss moving the plot forward, etc. Also! I'm aware that I've missed two HMDs in a row, which is bad form, so: if anyone wants to give me concrit, please do so on my character housekeeping journals or fire me an e-mail (

I'll be on AIM (not often, but I'll get your IMs eventually should you send some) and that is itstonystark.

Love you guys. Be excellent to each other, and party on, dudes!

(This effects: Belial | Psychology | Euterpe | Coffee | Jophiel | Jersey Devil | Peter Doyle | Wadjet | St. Margaret of Antioch | Gore | Google)
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team stealing sid's thunder coming through [Aug. 12th, 2010|12:41 pm]
Hi! This is Amy with her 14th and final character, [info]drownedsweetly. And yes, this is the first time I've made that claim definitively, so you can't say "lol they always say that~" because dicks. :|

This kid is a mermaid named Ursula, and she'll cut you if you make the joke. Okay, she actually won't, but she's pretty resentful of the fact that she's still saddled with a name she gave off the cuff as a joke twenty years ago. That's life, right? Henyway, her bio can be found here, with all kinds of exciting information.

She lives in Florida, owns private islands, and has an indoor pool in her NYC apartment. She's barely earned a cent of the money she has, and is as cheerfully proud of that as she is of her collection of jewelry and sparkly things. Her favorite things are high heels, shimmer eyeshadow, and murdering innocent men by crushing the air from their lungs. But hey- what's wrong? Was it something she said? It was the killing thing, wasn't it.

Why you gotta be that way, baby? She's not bad- she's just drawn that way.
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Communication [Aug. 12th, 2010|01:01 pm]



I know none of what I'm about to say will be anything new to most, if not all of you, but I've encountered a few rather worrying instances of failure in communication lately -- misunderstandings or problems between players going unaddressed, and instead being allowed to fester, resulting in venting and bitchiness behind people's backs -- and that really concerns me.

If you've got an issue with another player, the best way to resolve it is to open a discussion with them. The HMD is an excellent place to do this, but it's not the only forum for expressing your concerns -- many people also have personal HMDs in their character journals and every player can be reached via PM or email (and in most cases, IM), as detailed in the contact post.

Everybody needs to vent sometimes, I get that, but it does concern me when I see people making complaints about another player behind that person's back, without actually raising the problem with the player themself. That's not helpful to anyone.

Consider, too, how upsetting it is for a player to discover from a third party that somebody has a problem with them, and that this person has been complaining about them to others. This player may never have realised there was a problem, and all of a sudden they're learning that people are venting about them behind their back. Suddenly what may have been a small problem -- a misconstrued comment, a disagreement over characterisation -- has become a much bigger problem.

To put it briefly, if you have an issue of any sort with somebody else in the game, talk to them. Or talk to me, if you find the idea of approaching the other person too intimidating. I'm happy to hear your concerns in private and make suggestions on how the problem might be best resolved, or how you could broach the topic with the person. Don't just leave it to fester.
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[Aug. 12th, 2010|10:18 pm]
Hello everybody! Ariel here, and I'm bringing in my second character: Anubis, of Egyptian fame! He's a very pleasant fellow who's spent most of his life living in the Deep South, but he'll be in New York and ready to make friends with all of you very soon! I know the Anubises...Anubisi? What is the plural of that? Anyway, I know in the past he's been played as rather somber, but given that the Egyptian afterlife was a wonderful fluffy happy place full of sunshine and sparkles, I'm going with a somewhat livelier approach. (Livelier-- hurr hurr I am so clever)

At the very least, you can make friends with his hat.
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