Forgotten Gods - August 5th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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August 5th, 2010

[Aug. 5th, 2010|01:05 am]


Well hello again! Your friendly neighborhood Kat here, bringing the total number of Native American deities up to... prepare yourselves... three! Shocking, I know.

Anyway, this is Rabbit! He's a trickster god most familiar to the tribes around the Great Lakes, and if you've read American Gods you've heard of him -- Whiskey Jack is the anglicized version of Wisakedjak, one of his many names. If you've read the "Song of Hiawatha" you've heard of him too, but he maintains to this day that Longfellow got everything wrong in that stupid poem. He's not so tricksy as he was, but he still gets into his fair share of mischief! Would love to work out plot with him, he's up for anything!
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[Aug. 5th, 2010|02:30 am]
This is Abaddon - angel of destruction, ferryman of Sheol, bringer of nasty mutant locust-thingamabobs and eventually the dude who's going to chain Satan down in Hell for 1000 years. Well, that's what St. John was told, who knows how accurate his sources actually were.

To most people he's Benny St. John (oh what a clever boy) and he's a cab driver in New York City. He actually works for the same cab company as Hati and they bond over heavy metal music. He's a quiet guy, likes watching people and tends to keep very detailed journals of every single thing he did and saw every day. For those of you who've seen Everything Is Illuminated, think of Jonathan's wall of "collections" only slightly less obsessive than that.

He would also like it to be clear that while the occult/esoterism and Satanism has adopted him in this new age, he still gets his orders from God. When they come in, that is. And while he feels a little too old for all this excitement, he's up for hitting a bar with just about anyone.

Profile is in his journal, and now let's plot!

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[Aug. 5th, 2010|06:40 am]
Greetings, girls and boys. Hopefully (fingers crossed and all that jazz) my last for a leetle while, this is Hector as you know him from The Iliad, aka the wordy book about the Trojan War. He was the main Trojan character and mightiest soldier, and he's the brother of Paris, Cassandra, and Polyxena. He killed Patroclus. 8) And in return, Achilles killed him and dragged his body around for, oh, a few days. Hector rarely smiles, has a crap sense of humor, and thinks everything is srs business.

A few of the Olympians were involved in the Trojan War in some way, including Ares, Apollo, Athena/Minerva, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, and Iris (who was credited as one of the goddesses who led up to the events of the Trojan War), but since The Iliad is considered fiction for the most part by scholars, it's up to you if you want to decide to make plot from it, so lemme know!

He'll be going by Tobias Henderson, he lives in Seattle right now and is a personal trainer, but ohhh he'll be coming to NYC, don't you worry. Contact is still mean umbrellas! I am so excite, do you even know

✿ Angie (Alt Rock, Barachiel, Calypso, Freyja, Iseult, Lamia, Mnemosyne, Morgause, Nut, Pan, Percival, Sedna, Soda, Verrine)
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Hiatus over, dearly beloved [Aug. 5th, 2010|08:24 am]


I may be on AIM a bit less but I'm definitely still accessible via email, and if you catch me online at the magic hour. (The magic hour will probably tend to be before midnight EST, so, not actually that difficult. Or that magical.)

What did I miss? Apart from a meeeellion new characters introduced?

- Alex (St. Jude, Cú Chulainn, the Golem of Prague)
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magic all up in this roleplay [Aug. 5th, 2010|07:44 pm]


[mood | naughty]

Her journal hasn't been accepted yet but...

Ladies and Gentleman, it's time to bow down. The Queen has arrived.

Behold Inanna (or Ishtar if you lean that way... or Astarte if you lean that other way), highest goddess of Mesopotamia, leader of the Sumerian people, Queen of Heaven and Earth, and general HBIC. She may not be as powerful as she once was but the ego certainly hasn't suffered at all. She's only just gotten free of the underworld where her darling sister had her strung up and she's ready to enjoy the world again.

She'd say it's a pleasure to meet you all, but in some cases that would be straight up lying. Sumerians who aren't her sister she says OH HAI to though! She can't stand Old Gods who are stuck in their ways and don't move with the times and she also has quite a fondness for the New Gods in general. (She also thinks she's more awesome than both combined.) Gods with domains over war and/or sex will have her attention right away.

You'll currently find her residing in New York City and working as a very pricey call girl while bossing around her mortal worshiper/butt-monkey.

I know we've had an Inanna in game before and if you had someone involved with her hit me up. I'll probably be happy to carry on with that if you're interested.

I'm still Circe and I'm still heavyrockdiva on aim and there's no way I'm listing my characters here.
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