Forgotten Gods - June 14th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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June 14th, 2010

[Jun. 14th, 2010|08:04 am]


Quick intro on the way out the door.  Say hi to the Lord of the Dance Flies.  He's up in your church, blessing your sacraments, Beelzebub is, having set himself up in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles these past few years. 

Same info as the rest of the brood, all of which are slowly churning out of their hiatus, and as always, e-mail [erynn716[at]] is the best way to pick at me for anything needed as I get myself straight.
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Feminism! [Jun. 14th, 2010|10:18 am]
[mood |quite accomplished]
[music |Your Hands (Together) -- The New Pornographers]

Good morning, everyone! Nell here. I seem to have caught the apping bug.

I am thrilled to introduce to you Chris de Beauvoir, better known as Feminism. She's head of the Gender and Sexuality Studies Department at NYU, volunteers at women's shelters, and is a prolific writer. I am aware that there is lots of plotting that needs to happen, so please post away! I am ecstatic to have the privilege of playing her, and I hope I exceed everyone's expectations.

It occurs to me that in my intro post, all I said about myself was that I'm a Swede, so perhaps it is a good time to add to that. I'm a footballer, I love Shakespeare and baking, and I'm a Physics and English double major. I can still be reached at absentpantheon on AIM and and am up for plotting or just talk anytime.

<3 Nell

Oh, and: Thank you to the wonderful Amy and Seana for guidance on Fem's app, and Amy for a great many of my icons. You guys rock!
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[Jun. 14th, 2010|02:36 pm]
Hi everyone, Sid here with a quick intros post before garden weeding takes over my life. Say hello to:

Wadjet, personification of Lower Egypt and Eye of Ra, often portrayed as the cobra rising to strike in front of sun disks and on the Egyptian uraeus. She's a protector, will cut a bitch before she lets her family gets hurt, is enraged at current events in the Egyptian pantheon. Otherwise, she's pretty chill.

Saint Margaret of Antioch, eternal virgin, patron saint of mothers, children, and childbirth. She works (or will work) as an obstetrician at New York Presbyterian, and she is willing and able to take care of any divine pregnancy should you need her.

Contact info remains the same, you know how to reach me. Ciao until later! ♥
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