Forgotten Gods - May 27th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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May 27th, 2010

[May. 27th, 2010|04:46 pm]
Hey FG.

I wish I could actually say this was the end of a hiatus and that I was ready and rearing to go like I wanted to be. And believe me, after the roadtrip, I'd planned on it.

But I had some heavy family news hit me yesterday, basically right after leaving home where I could have come to terms with this personally instead of over the phone, and it's just...well, needless to say a gigantic, scary mess. And with this, I really won't have the time to do anything here that I had planned.

I was already behind, and it's unfair to keep sitting here on hiatus in hopes that I'll be back to catch up another day.

I might re-app when I've got a little less to deal with than a bunch of doctors and family drama, and I hope I can. I loved you guys, and this was some of the best gaming I've had an opportunity to be a part of in a long time. I'm still available to talk on AIM (at Achaean Strings), if you want the whole story, or just to chill, whatever. I still ♥ you all.

Thanks for being awesome, FG.

--Kate (Jason, Helenus, Grindhouse, Patroclus, Antigone, & Enkidu)
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