Forgotten Gods - May 13th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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May 13th, 2010

Two things! [May. 13th, 2010|08:18 am]


Hi all. Cat here. With....another.

This is Zerachiel. Zed's an angel of several things, very notably an angel of children. He keeps a close eye on the children of sinners, but we don't have any sinners around here, do we? So, anyone with/looking after small kids might see Zed here and there, though if you don't know him, you might just assume he's some sort of homeless tattooed guy lurking about. Oh, and anyone who might harm children, Zed will definitely have an issue with. Like...Lamia. He also doesn't tolerate Hell-things very well.

Doesn't he sound fun?

Second thing is, I will not be around on AIM much over the next few days...possibly into next week. E-mail me to get a hold of me, and please don't hesitate to if you want to plot anything with this guy or my others!
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A gathering of Celts [May. 13th, 2010|12:36 pm]
Hello all,

For those with Celtic characters: what do you think of the idea of some form of gathering?

Vicky, in her infinite wisdom and delight over the defeat of Gordon Brown is organising (in partnership with the British Consulate-General in New York) a dinner to raise funds for the recent blackouts.I'm thinking that it would be an outside affair, held in the grounds of the British Memorial Garden. And of course, invitations would be sent out to her fellow Celts.

So...interest, anyone?
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