Forgotten Gods - May 11th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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May 11th, 2010

Manipulations~ [May. 11th, 2010|06:43 am]

So it's been a while since I've made any manipulations and, according to Sid, that's too long. So because someone pestered me into doing another batch (and oh god Chris is just indescribably adorable), you all get..

4 4chan/Geek Manipulation )

And also, because I haven't publicly shared it...

Bonus Blues/Indie )
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Intro post [May. 11th, 2010|09:08 am]
Hey guys! My name's Ash and I'm from near Houston, TX... I'm brand new to the game, but I read the premise and character list and couldn't resist, everything looked amazing. I'm also a big fan of Neil Gaiman, so that helped convince me, too. :)

I'm playing New God, 'Dieting', with a PB of Beth Ditto. She is loud, funny, loquacious and very outgoing, but she's also capricious, moody, and bitchy as hell when she wants to be. Not to mention fickle! She is very confident in her own body and strives to make others feel bad about their own, though it's usually in quite a passive-aggressive way (just plant the seeds of insecurity and then let them blossom!). Because of the current obsession with body image, she is thriving quite nicely in popularity. She works as a freelance makeup artist named Olivia as her 'cover' to be around mortals (and what's better for her ego than spending her day around models and actors?!).

It makes sense that Olivia would be in tight with Gods of areas like Media, Paparazzi, Fast Food, etc, and she wouldn't be stoked about ones like Fitness or any kind of health-related fields. She prefers people who fad-diet to those who do it correctly, obviously, because fad diets never work and thus it keeps them coming back for more constantly.

I have her application up on her journal if anyone's interested, I'll be working on a shiny pretty HTML-laden profile for her tonight.

I am super-active and quick about tags, and I am open to playing with anybody. Please hit me up via AIM at matilda reads or email me at to plot or plan some lines, I'm ready to jump in!

Thanks so much for letting me in! :)
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[May. 11th, 2010|03:31 pm]


Funny story...

I had kind of forgotten that I graduate from college on the 1st. So, even though I've got a handle on all my papers and such, I'm still super busy. I am also an idiot and agreed to costume Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. My bad >.>

Let's call semi-hiatus until the 3rd? I say 'semi' because I have some srs Mark and Coke business to take care of between now and then, and refuse to miss it.

<3 Kendra
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INTRO~ [May. 11th, 2010|07:21 pm]
Hello I'm Shar, and I like reading, sleeping, chatting, gaming, tangy foods, hot weather, mythology, marine life, and horrible things. My contact post is here and I'm on for massive amounts of time so feel free to drop me a line anytime.

I'll be playing your resident kappa, otherwise known as Kawako Maeda. She steals bodies through an old-as-Hel golden ring and is a back alley doctor, if one were to use the word 'doctor' in the loosest terms possible. She's mischievous, snarky, and sarcastic with undertones of curiosity and twisted humor. She also has a tendency to be condescending when she thinks anyone at all is being an idiot, which is a bit hypocritical considering her massive history of fuck-ups. Obviously, she likes to play elaborate pranks that would probably make an engineer cream his/her pants. In some mythologically accurate and at the same time amazingly contradicting way, she is also polite, but it ranges from common courtesy to obsessively setting tables with like, 14 different forks. Also, she's still eating people's intestines... because they are tasty. She'll probably be interested in anyone that waltzes into her "office", other mythological creatures, anyone who can help her kill and/or eat people and most certainly the Japanese Pantheon since kappa are Japanese in origin.
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end slowatus & tl;dr plotting [May. 11th, 2010|07:28 pm]

Okay, so! Surgery went well, doctor said I'm recovering beautifully and he's very pleased with the healing. It turns out I'm not moving on the 22nd, but on the 29th (or at least, my mom and uncle are), though I'll still be running in and out painting my room before we move in. That doesn't deserve a hiatus, but I'm just... s-saying. There really isn't much of a point in keeping this slowatus since I'm... not going to be slow, with the exception of the 28th-31st, when I'll be away without internet in Toronto.

So back in action are: Pan, Lamia, Nut, Freyja, Mnenosyne, Verrine, and Calypso. While I'm here though... can has plotting? )

p.s. I'm not feeling very well tonight, so if I don't get back to you tonight, I def will try tomorrow. ♥

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[May. 11th, 2010|08:59 pm]



Hello again! I apologise for spamming everybody's flists, but I feel that this is something that ought to be addressed.

Communication. It's always key in RP, particularly in a game of this size. Every character interaction is an act of collaboration, and it's important that players be able to work with each other and have a say with regard to their character's level of involvement in any given plot. Unfortunately, we've been seeing a number of incidents where this just hasn't been happening, and some people have been left feeling annoyed or slighted.

Please remember that if you intend to apply for a character who has specific history with others already in the game -- particularly if you are interested in making this a plot point -- you have a responsibility to contact and work with the players of those other characters, just as you would if you were apping a character with existing in-game history. While some people might be okay with winging it, if the character you're looking at has a lot of history with somebody else's (for instance, say, a husband/wife) it's courteous to at least drop an email or an IM to make sure you're on the same page, find out if they have any ideas or preferences on the subject and so on.

I'm certain that none of these incidents have been malicious. I'm inclined to think it's more a case of people not realising -- it just doesn't seem to have occurred to them that they ought to be discussing these things with the other players involved. I can understand that, and I'm not trying to tell anybody off. But next time you go to app a character, just have a think before you click send: Is this character's history tied to anybody else's? Is their arrival going to affect anybody in a notable way? And if the answer is yes, just take a little bit of time out to contact the relevant player/s. It won't take long, and you might even get some new ideas for plot out of it. :]

And to anybody who feels as though they've been overlooked when they should have been consulted, remember that communication is a two-way street. I know this is probably obvious to most of you, but if a player has failed to consult you over a plot point in which you feel you should have had a say, do take the initiative and contact them yourself. As I said, in most cases it is nothing more than an innocent mistake, and can usually resolved with a little discussion.

And really, why let something so easily fixed get in the way of your enjoyment of the game?
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