Forgotten Gods - May 9th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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May 9th, 2010

Don't eat me? [May. 9th, 2010|12:06 pm]
Hi, everyone! I'm Nell, and I'm new. I'm originally from Sweden, so if my English occasionally sucks, please let me know. I'm so excited to be here! I'm absentpantheon on AIM, and

I'll be playing the big-sparkly-electron-cloud-girl that is Quantum Mechanics. Most people call her Eden or Q. She's bright, energetic, curious, scatterbrained, and completely unpredictable. If you happen to be an Old God of something like light, lightning, astronomy, or similar things, you may find her stalking you like you're John Lennon back from the dead. She's just moved to New York from Fermilab in Chicago, and is feeling pretty lost and confused. Anyone who thinks they might be related to her, give me (and her!) a heads-up, and maybe help her get acclimated to the town.

Also, she tends to accidentally muck things up. If she hangs around a place for too long, little things may change or go missing. Her apartment, by no intent of hers, is much bigger on the inside than on the outside. She's like a nice, clumsy, accidental Loki.
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