Forgotten Gods - May 3rd, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Forgotten Gods OOC

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May 3rd, 2010

[May. 3rd, 2010|07:44 am]


This is Perses. He is the youngest son of Crius (oh hai thurr Erynn!) and Eurybia, which makes him sibling to Astraios (hai Cat One!) and Pallas (hai Dora!). He's a War Titan. The aftermath of battle is part of his domain. Hecate (helloooo Crys!) is his only daughter. He was married to Asteria, but Zeus (greetings, ring-a-Ling) pursued her and to escape him she turned into a bird and dove into the sea (whut), where she became an island (whut). A talking island (huuuuuuge tracts of land).

Present-day he's been kicking around since the Greek Revolution and currently works as a clean-up man for various government agencies and organized crime rings (much like David Copperfield, his special talent is making people disappear). The work pays well: he owns a chunk of land in the Appalachians and lives alone with a pack of feral dogs. As far as gods go, unless you're an employer, a "co-worker" or family you can shove off, if it's all the same to you.

As always you can find me (Catwo) at the romantic in me, and I am here to humbly request your plots for Perses as well as the rest of the cast (Merlin, Duma, Codeine and Khaos) if any strike your fancy.
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[May. 3rd, 2010|11:40 pm]

Oh, I knew Aphrodite's journal was good for something.


* Post your character

* Receive ooc/ic/anon commands to go kiss other characters. So that means both gotta post, or they can just do it in the one's thread.


* You ain't gotta suck face

* Any place is fine to kiss

* Except there, for both genders :|

* There are kids here for Christ's sake! RIIIIGHT.

Taken from the Luceti comm on LJ, 'cause what the hell.
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