Forgotten Gods - April 30th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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April 30th, 2010

Hello, this is Muse Number Nine! [Apr. 30th, 2010|11:19 am]
Hi everyone!

I brought Polyhymnia because, well...she was on the want list, etc etc! She's one of the nine Musai, and primarily rules the domains of sacred poetry/song and eloquence! This gives her a bit of a complex, as she isn't quite as relevant as she once was. She spends a lot of time in her head and it can get to her, but she is a very kind and lovely person.

My name is Elle and you can IM me on Polly's SN ' too many verses ', or message me here on IJ, or anything! :)

Thank yooouuuu~
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[Apr. 30th, 2010|04:21 pm]
Yo, FG, Jamie here bringing you a late intro post for two characters.

1) Eurybia - Greek, cousin to the Titans and goddess of the mastery of the seas, wife of Crius, mother to Pallas, Astraois, and Perses and grandmother to the Titan 4 and the wind brats.

Eurybia's a minor sea goddess so she's been quiet ever since man got tired of sailing around the ocean discovering new lands and whatnot. As of now, she's a Physical Sciences researcher for NASA at the Kennedy Space Center. Her history and app is here.

2) Azazel [info]don_juan - Christian, otherwise known as the "Goat Demon".

Originally one of the Watchers of the Host, he fell because he taught mankind weaponry, warfare, alchemy, witchcraft and their women, cosmetics and the arts of seduction. He was condemned to being confined into a pit of rocks for having corrupted them and basically gave them a crash course in Sin-management. Thanks to mankind, now is an antiques dealer, collecting all kinds of illegal, cursed, lost things as well as those that were lost from every culture and every century. His app and history is here.

Plots, ideas - feel free to contact me on AIM (PsychoticKuzo) or e-mail (!
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[Apr. 30th, 2010|04:23 pm]
Apping is like crack, seriously ahem ANYWAY! It's Sid here with number 7: our darling Jersey Devil, aka JD Leeds, or Mr. Leeds as he's usually called. He chills in his dinky little gas station on the outskirts of the Lower Jersey Pine Barrens, waiting for the unsuspecting traveler to stop by and fill up. Sometimes he lets 'em drive off, but he's unpredictable like that. Most of the time, he's not even human. And he likes eating kids! That's good, right? He's a very nice man.

Also, he's pretty reclusive, but he's very interested in the goings-on of other pantheons and popping some popcorn watching them interact. He's not particularly attached (socially) to any pantheon, even his own, because he wasn't human to begin with. But! He does like learning new stuff. So if you need some gas, fillerup at Leeds~
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