Forgotten Gods - April 24th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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April 24th, 2010

FRESH BLOOD uh again [Apr. 24th, 2010|01:58 am]

HEY BABIES you know you love me, Gossip Girl it's Angie again with probably her second last out of... 5, since I still need to bring in Nut like I said I would. This is Verrine, who be a demon from Heeeeeell, is acquainted with Sonja and Bel (and worked for him), and she's a... bitch. S-Sassy bitch? She'll be going by Victoria Reid (Victor when she's off being a boy, hi Stuart Townsend), and she's a bartender.

Still at mean umbrellas, etc etc

Also I'm on the wrong account because Verrine's is [info]crywitch, but this was a good excuse to use Mommy's "I SEE WHAT U DID THERE" icon. Or her creep icon, whichever. /looks at Amy

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[Apr. 24th, 2010|08:42 am]
Well hallo thar! This is Paris (yep, that Paris. The one who was promised Helen and stole her from Menelaus and caused the Trojan War), your resident not-much-of-a-hero-hero. He's more of an accidental hero than a real one, seeing as he needed help hitting his targets. *cough*Apollo*cough* He's a friendly guy to anyone who isn't an enemy. He's still a coward and horrible at anything combat related except the bow and arrow, but will humbly admit it... mostly to those closest to him (those he doesn't like... nnnnnot so much. And when he does admit it, remember that he's doing it with much resentment.) He doesn't regret his past choices and would make them again in a heartbeat. For more info, here is his app. This is Angela btw. Info is still the same if you want to plot.

Aaaaand let the harassment commence. =D

This also means I'm back from hiatus. If you want to see pix of the twins lemme know!
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Just to let you know... [Apr. 24th, 2010|05:36 pm]


So I'm back sort-of. Slowly. XD As you can see Achilles is awake now and woohooo. As for me? I can walk now fairly well, still hobbly but doing better than I was the other day. Sicky sinuses are getting better as well. Thank you to everyone for your warm wishes and hope to start plotting and all again soon. I'm on aim now! I feel so weird for being away for only a few days and I thought it would be for longer.


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[Apr. 24th, 2010|10:27 pm]


Hello, lovelies! Jess here with Hestia, the ever-patient Greek goddess of the hearth, home, family and cooking. She is both the first- and last-born child of Cronus (long story) and unique among her siblings in that she has never felt the urge to smash mortals because they were neglecting her worship/shagging her hubby/looking at her in a funny way. These days she runs a bakery in the Village and has a bit of a reputation for taking in strays.

Contact info is still the same, plotting is lovely, etc. etc. etc.

- Jess <3
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