Forgotten Gods - April 22nd, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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April 22nd, 2010

[Apr. 22nd, 2010|01:34 pm]


[mood | sick]

Hey guys. Just giving you the heads up I may be sporadic for a little while. Sick again, and managed to snap/pop/twist my ankle last night. Its all swollen now so I'm just taking it easy for now. May pop on with a few tags and updates when I feel up to it, but just giving you fare warning if you don't see me on aim much and such. If you need me I'll still be checking email, spam me all you want. Love you guys and sorries.

(Achilles, Oedipus, The Red Baron, Dionysus, Eros, Robin Hood, Bohemianism, Penelope, Kenneth Rhodes, and Andres Saldana)
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[Apr. 22nd, 2010|07:35 pm]
[mood | accomplished]

So, the baby is pretty darn fantastic so far. I think I feel safe now moving back to semi-hiatus rather than hiatus. XD I can post again and such, just know that there's some possibility I might randomly disappear if Liam decides to stop being such a good little boy. <3

Really excited to interact with some of the newer additions! Feel free to drop me a line (here or on AIM or whatever, though on AIM be aware that I may be slow in response if I'm, like, nursing or something. xD) if you have any ideas/wants for plottings!

~Shandriz (SF/F, Ma'at, Atalanta, Psyche)
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[Apr. 22nd, 2010|11:26 pm]


It's that time of the year when the semester is winding down and finals are just around the corner. Between that and whatever issues Yahoo Mail seems to be having with IJ right now, resulting in extremely delayed notifications, I will be on a semi-hiatus until around May 13th. After that, I will come back with a vengeance because I should have plenty of time over the summer months and I should be able to get on AIM then as well. In the meantime, I will try to respond to threads, but unfortunately will be slower about it. I have a feeling I'm going to miss out on lots of awesomeness since this is a such fast-paced game, which is all kinds of woe, but I will have my characters back track and react appropriately where I can.

♥ Ella (Zombies/Kára)

PS: I will DEFINITELY get to my applications for Helen of Troy, Inanna/Ishtar, and Legion first thing when I get back, so all those lovelies will be forthcoming. Please oh please no one challenge my holds. Much love.
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Calling all Norse [Apr. 22nd, 2010|11:53 pm]
Attention, those with Norse-shaped characters: Let's talk! The poor pantheon is feeling a little left out, what with all the Greek and Christian shenanigans :)

You may have noticed that Forseti has put out a 'roll call' of sorts (the fellow *has* had his grandmother and father disappear on him, so he's naturally a tad bit worried...). That may or may not lead to anything - perhaps a nice big gathering in a bar/brewery somewhere so everyone can drink and be merry?

I'm up for whatever works, but let's get some Norse love going <3
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