Forgotten Gods - April 19th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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April 19th, 2010

Everybody wants a Set gift [Apr. 19th, 2010|04:24 am]


See Set. See Set be too bored for his own good. See Set meet Khaos. See Khaos and Set find a game.

Hijinks ensue?

Anyway. To give some explanation, Set and Khaos decided to play a game. Set finds the tinomomachy plot hilarious, so they decided to stir the pot on both sides. Set promised to keep Khaos and it's family out, however there is free range on Olympians, Titans and associated immortal mortals. So what this post is all about, is mainly trying to find anyone who is willing to deal with Set's own personal brand of crazy. He's not going to pick one side or the other, just cause some chaos.

All in all, he really wants his pokeball but he'll settle for this. What this means is he'll make the lives of those willing to play miserable (everything will be more chaotic, etc). At least until something more shiny wanders along.

Volunteers are appreciated, as are retaliations. Set's everything but subtle.
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[Apr. 19th, 2010|10:45 pm]
Hey FG.

I really hate to do this on such short notice, given the epic amount of plot lately, and the two apps I'm supposed to be writing, but, such is life, huh?

I'm going through a pretty epic bout of drama about a moveout I had hopefully scheduled for Friday (and now it's not hopefully, it's a must, eep), and because this drama has caused the whole thing to go down a bit more...well, suddenly, than I'd planned on...

I may not be around a lot this week. Feel free to email me, or aim me if I AM online (there are cafes afterall), but what with a move that has to happen, and having to set up internet in a new place (gods willing, gods willing), consider this a hiatus notice if I happen to disappear for a good week or so. (Affecting: Jason, Helenus, Patroclus, and Grindhouse.)

A slowatus at best-case-senario.

Thanks a bunch guys, and I'll try my best to keep up!


[EDIT:] This affects Kels too, but IDK if she'll have the time to get her own post up. If so, ignore this. If not, I hope it's okay to just put it here.
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