Forgotten Gods - April 16th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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April 16th, 2010

My woe. Let me show you it. [Apr. 16th, 2010|04:31 pm]


1. Senior Honors Thesis due on Wednesday TUESDAY. Am I done. Nope.

2. Head costume designer for Little Women. Am I anywhere near done? Nope. Does the show open soon? Yep.

3. Surprise!Job interview with the Second City next week in Chicago. Do I actually have time to go? No. Am I going? Hell yes, it's Second City. Does this mean that I have to turn int my thesis early? Yes. Fuck.

4. In charge of throwing a kegger at my house on Friday. Am I getting back from Chicago at 12:45 Friday morning? Yes. Will I still be throwing this kegger? Yes I will.

5. I still have another thesis to finish. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Pls2b excusing my logging absence.

<3 Kendra
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