Forgotten Gods - April 12th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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April 12th, 2010

Artsies [Apr. 12th, 2010|01:05 am]


[music |"Bent" by Matchbox Twenty]

I come with gifts again with art. Well one really. Just finished this the other day cough tonight. Tis an all Greecian looking Brisies Achilles stop drooling, my computer keys are sopping. I was kind of going and basing it off of an artist's paintings I've seen and letting it have a more "old" look to it. Done with markers again, turned out pretty decent. Now I think I'll have to do something of Oedipus next, just because. Picture is under cut, because there be some slight nudity if that's a problem.

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[Apr. 12th, 2010|02:12 am]


I'm sure you're all already in the know, but it's official - from Sunday to Sunday(?) (what's that, like 11th to 18th or something) - all Hell denizens* roaming the living plane have been sent back to and are confined in Hell. I don't think AT&T or Verizon has coverage in Hell so I guess there won't be any journal entries XDDD But of course there'll be some logs going on. Angry proletarian demon mob with pitchforks bringing down the capitalist gover- Well, whatever the equivalent of that is, anyway.

Have at it, and the gates of Hell will re-open next week (we can always extend it if you guys need more time to work out your Hell plots).

* Terms and Conditions apply. Lucifer and the Sins are not affected. Any special arrangements you might have had with Dora prior - I don't know about them, but they should stand.
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Check it out... [Apr. 12th, 2010|09:23 am]
[mood | bouncy]

Hey everyone, Jill here with a new character, Persephone. I know she's been played before (many times) however I'm hoping to stick around with her for a long time. I'm aware that she has quite the storied history and I kept all that in mind as I wrote up the application and I'm looking forward to getting her out and interacting!

Since it's Spring Persephone is in an awesome mood and would love to see all her old friends and anyone willing to hide her from Hades. *cough* Also, I am totally open to her being used against Hades or Demeter for Titanomachy plottings.

If you'd like to plot or anything I can be reached by AIM. At la roo terrible or by email at That's also good for the rest of my crew (Apollo/Blues/Echo/Eleos/Hymenaios/Jezebel/Lilibeth/Raven) so feel free to hit me up!
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[Apr. 12th, 2010|09:43 am]
So because 13 is obviously not enough characters, I just had to get a new one. (It makes three Egyptians now >.>). So euhm, yeah. This is Ma'ahes. Bast's son (and Ra's, really. Family dinners get complicated). and protector of matrilineality and priests of Amun. He's an Eye of Ra, and a god of war. Fun story? He's also said to be a god of cannibalism. Fun times.

Anyway, his profile is here. Plotsings and back story and all that is appreciated/encouraged. The same goes for the others.

<3 Charlie
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[Apr. 12th, 2010|03:22 pm]


And so the ends the brief mini-hiatus break thing for Dora and I.

WE'RE BACK ANNNNNNNNNND that's all I have to say about that.
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SUP [Apr. 12th, 2010|07:16 pm]


HI Y'ALL. I'm (Amy) introing a new character using this account because I'm an impatient whore, Joan of Arc ([info]maidoforleans). Her app and info can be found here.

So, Joan: she goes by Joanna, since that's the closest English has to her real name, and is currently a student-slash-volunteer. She goes to a community college (for graphic design) part time and spends the rest of her time working at the Central Park Conservatory, volunteering at a local shelter for transgendered teens, and working with her church. She's a pretty cool chick, fairly laid-back and groovy, but gets very passionate about things like feminism and gay rights, since a few hundred years of crossdressing and the resulting persecution will do that to a girl.

In her most recent mortal alias before this one, she was a mid-level gay rights advocate, and she didn't actually cross over to America until the early 20th century, so that's her basic backstory- if anyone wants to plot or backstory with her, I'm totally open! :D I'm especially interested in saints, culture gods, and... okay, let's be honest, I love everybody. ♥

My contact info is in the post and it's all pretty much the same.

Peace, bros.
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OMG [Apr. 12th, 2010|11:13 pm]
[mood | creative]

I has a baby! )

I'm going to be recovering a little longer even than I expected, but chances are that will only mean I'll be at the computer -more-, so hopefully I'll be able to be around again soon. ^_^
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