Forgotten Gods - March 25th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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March 25th, 2010

Not quite a week late in posting this... [Mar. 25th, 2010|12:59 am]
Basically I'm an idiot and it slipped my mind entirely that I should be polite and make an announcement here - I AM NOT GOING ON HIATUS, but my best friend for just about two decades now has been overseas for the last year and a half, and is currently on a small vacation back until the end of the month. While I do intend to continue to game during this time, it's going to be sporadic/slow at best, and I might need reminders of where I owe tags when I get back. We should resume your regularly scheduled program by April 1st. ♥

This affects Medea @ [info]karmahoudini and Neoptolemus @ [info]kingofepirus
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[Mar. 25th, 2010|07:05 pm]


I just wanted to put up an apology/warning on how slow I have been and how slow I will be. I've been sick and instead of being better by now as I thought I would be, I'm actually worse. Tags and comments will be slow, and I don't think I'll be on AIM much if at all. However, feel free to harass me via e-mail, especially since once I am feeling better, I'd like to do more with any and all of mine. (Except maybe Horror - she's busy at the moment.)

So, if anyone has any idea for present or past interactions, let me know! And please have patience with my slowness.

(Morpheus, Triton, Iris, Boreas, Caerus, Astraios, Khione, Tartaros, Horror, Physics, Belphegor, Chastity, Corvina, Maarten, Oliver, and John Thomas.)
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