Forgotten Gods - March 15th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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March 15th, 2010

Another Greek! DIONYSUS [Mar. 15th, 2010|02:14 am]


Ren here bringing you Dionysus! Because I all but squealed. He is probably different than the last, and I hope that he fits in well with the community, though you may be used to something different. You can read his bio here. He currently resides in NY as a bartender and ready for that group of followers and worshipers that make his heart go spastic.

Please welcome him, and hope to plot with...well...a lot of you seeing as he is one of the twelve Olympians. XD Please hit me! I am ready for the plottage <3

(Achilles, Robin Hood, Eros, The Red Baron, Penelope, Bohemianism, Samson and Kenneth Rhodes)
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Character number two (ohgodwhatisthiscommunitydoingtome) [Mar. 15th, 2010|04:02 am]
Hey all! It’s Kwa, and I’m back with a new character! (Yes, this community is an endless abyss, upon which your entire mind will be emptied of every muse that has, is, or will ever be, and it forms a life right here.)

Fuck my life.

ANYWHO, I bring you Cell Phones! She’s a New God. She’s young, bratty, and very teenaged. She thinks she knows everything, makes stupid decisions, abuses substances, comes off as rude, doesn’t do her homework, has sex without protection—

Oh, look at me, getting detailed.

For an actual representation of her personality, click HERE.

I'm very open for logs! Patience hasn't interacted with many people, and I'm hoping Cell Phones will give me the opportunity to play with a wider range of characters. If you think Cell and your character would make for interesting logs, please hit me up!

My email is, and my SN is, also, KeroKeroKwa.
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[Mar. 15th, 2010|06:43 pm]
And here is the final Muse (I think? No, wait, we have no Polyhymnia yet, nevermind) Calliope. I don't really have much else to say other than she currently lives in a big old plantation house in Louisiana but will come to visit everyone in NYC. Her full bio is here

Also, I'm actually quite worried about how I'll be playing her because I don't feel I'm going to do it well. So PLEASE don't hesitate to let me know if you think I'm screwing her up.

- Circe
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