Forgotten Gods - March 12th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Forgotten Gods OOC

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March 12th, 2010

[Mar. 12th, 2010|07:46 pm]
Hello, lovelies! It has come to my attention that I have not been giving the old girl the fawning attention she demands deserves, and so, with mod approval, I present to you the opportunity for... an EVENT.

Luck that which turns probability upside-down. When she spins her wheel, beggars become kings and beginners win at card games. Luck defies the odds, makes the impossible possible, and could possibly show your chars a good time if you're game for it.

What I propose is this: in a week, Lady Luck will spin her wheel and you can choose whether or not you want the oddest things to happen to your character, good or bad. Example: Greed takes a bite out of a doughnut and finds a diamond ring. Example: Hades opens up his car trunk and it is full of bees. Example: Alex gets the best parking spot at work for a week.

If you want to participate, you can decide what you want to happen to your character, within the bounds of probability, or if you can't think of anything you can let me dream something up for you. Just let me know if you want it to be for good or ill! The 'luck-occurrences' will be spread out about a week, this way people have a chance to react to all the luck flying around instead of just posting about it.


-This can only affect your character, unless it is something extremely minor.
Example: That NPC I can't stand tripped and fell on his face right in front of me, and THEN a can of purple paint fell from the sky right next to him and dyed his hair purple! I've never laughed so hard! -- on.

-This won't give your character eye-lasers.
In other words, just to cover all my bases, since this is affecting such a broad base of beings it's not going to be dealing in matters of Fortune. Just lols.

Pretty much besides that, it's all up to you and if you want to have zany hijinks. Feel free to think it over and then just post with what you want to happen to your characters.
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HELLO EVERYONE [Mar. 12th, 2010|11:24 pm]
Hi! It's Amy, with another character- because this disease is terrible and glorious, doncha know.

This is Tiffany Tang, barista and would-be fashionista extraordinaire. She currently works at a Starbucks and has a fashion blog, but will soon be assistant, employee, and all-around bitch to none other than Arachne herself.

She's half-Chinese and half boring American white, has divorced parents, and likes bugs more than most girls or people in her field. It's something she keeps to herself, but she fucking loves spiders and had tarantulas as pets in high school before she got rid of them to fit in with the popular kids.

As always, I'm totally open for plotting! You can see the one post in her journal for the rest of her application, and I can be reached through all the normal channels.

-Amy (Paparazzi, Terpsichore, 4chan, etc)
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