Forgotten Gods - March 8th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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March 8th, 2010

Blarg... [Mar. 8th, 2010|02:04 pm]


Uggggh so this being sick thing has kinda come back again. If you have seen me less and less this week as well, that is my reasoning. Sorry to any of you that have been waiting on me to reply to things, I've just felt wretched. I hope you understand. I only hope that the end of the month (or BEFORE) I'm not dealing with this cruddy flu/sinuses/ or whatever the heck it is. I just wanted to let you know, so no one became mad at me for my lack of responses or being on aim as often as usual.

Also the first weekend of April I am going to be going to an Anime convention courtesy of a friend, so I will be gone for a week to stay with them and go to the convention.

March has just not been my month.

(Achilles, Eros, Robin Hood, The Red Baron, Bohemianism, Penelope, Samson, and Kenneth Rhodes)
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[Mar. 8th, 2010|06:46 pm]
Alas, my brain and real life are still not cooperating very well. I'm sorry for any dropped threads and I am doing my best, but health, work, etc. are wearing me down.

To that end, I'm letting go of Sif and Wendy so some of the self-pressure is relieved. And I can concentrate (when I can) on the muses that are strongest. Mods have been notified.

Thank you for your patience!
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[Mar. 8th, 2010|11:02 pm]


[mood | bouncy]


① Post as your character
② Whoever replies must propose to them
④ Play out their married life in the comments
⑤ Shotgun weddings and hideousness encouraged

Have at, feel free to spam my inbox!

(swiped from Edensphere on LJ)
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