Forgotten Gods - February 20th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Forgotten Gods OOC

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February 20th, 2010



It's midnight here in Japan, so... )
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Hallo hallo! [Feb. 20th, 2010|02:11 am]
Oh yes, that is new meat you, maybe that's not the best way to introduce myself. My name is Shae and I've been RPing for quite a while, but I'm brand spanking new here. I'm a huge fan of mythology and of American Gods and I've been eyeballing this game for quite a bit, so...I decided to get the gumption and apply!

I've got Lori here, who's as human as they get. I am fantastically open to all sorts of wacky hijinks and endeavours. Quick background -- Lori's a graphic artist who ran afoul of an ex and is now shunned by the NYC art community. She works at a yet to be determined club as a waitress and dancer. I really mean it when I say I am open to anything for her. If you're a god who owns a club she could work at, please let me know! I saw a couple on the page, but I figured I'd chat with people before I just lumped her in somewhere.

New gods, old gods, if you've got someone you want to throw my way, by all means! You can reach me via here, PM, journal, contact page, carrier pigeon.

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I feel the need, the need for meme... [Feb. 20th, 2010|05:01 pm]


[mood | bouncy]

Yes, I swiped this from Edensphere on LJ, again.

❀ Post with your characters.
❀ Other post with their characters if they want to know what yours thinks of them.
❀ RESPOND HONESTLY—OOC or IC are both acceptable, but if it's IC, characters can't lie.
❀ Reply to other threads to hear what characters think about yours.
❀ If you want your character give an opinion unprompted, you can do that, too!
❀ Let awkwardness/humor/potential plottings ensue!

I tried something different, no Glee-related gif!
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History is what you make of it [Feb. 20th, 2010|08:06 pm]


Howdies all. I have nothing witty to really say about this one save that she's Clio. Muse of History and all that. She had a bit of an ego back in the olden days, but calmed down when both her kids died. She kind of blames herself for that.

She feels in charge of making sure history is written down properly (this means she gets a bit of an I told you so complex when history repeats itself), and usually shocks the kids she teaches when she gets brutally honest and tells history from both sides.

Euhm, Most of her history (hurhur), is here and I can be reached on AIM at bastblackrose. And my new email which is

Plot/backstory is encouraged :D
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It's Goofy time! [Feb. 20th, 2010|09:20 pm]


Hello again, gentle creatures of FG.  After a month of resisting your wicked temptations, I've finally given in--le sigh--and I bring to you my second character, the Kumiho.

Kumiho are Korean nine-tailed fox spirits, not to be confused with the Japanese and Chinese nine-tailed fox spirits, which are quite different.  They are really fucking evil [or so the myths like to insist], and can be best described as fox bitches from Hell who are Out To Get You.  Her idea of a good time is transforming into pretty women, seducing men, and then eating their hearts/livers so that she might steal their life force.  Pleasant, I know.  For more info about her background, you can trot yourself down to her app post.

Interacting with Kumiho is like playing Russian Roulette.  She's a fox, and a tricky one; her entire life is an act.  That being, Kumiho's human embodiment never has a consistent personality.  She acts however she feels like acting at the time, though she does have a few personas that she revisits often, the most prominent of which--her default, lately--is a foul-mouthed, assertive, trashy ladything.  [Re: For more info, click the link above.]  She doesn't make it a habit of revealing the squishy fox beneath the layers and layers of characters she surrounds herself with, but there is one in there, I promise.

Currently she's a fashion designer under the name of Alyxia Benoite Yun, living lavishly while trolling around stealing people's life forces.  She's happy to spit her venom at anyone, so I'm sure we'll have fun with that.

I can be reached at Judo Creature on AIM, as per usual, and I'm up for any sort of plotting, etc, you know the drill.  Have at it, kittens.

--Judo; Chimaera, Kumiho
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[Feb. 20th, 2010|10:50 pm]
Hellooooo everyone!

So. The Internet and Media have grown tired of only fucking with Hedone and would like to expand the scope of their retaliation to other members of Eros' family/friends. Obviously, they aren't going to take belief away from anyone unless I have OOC permission, so! I would like to ask for volunteers.

If you wouldn't mind your character being fucked with (we wont kill anyone, so no worries) please leave me a comment here!

Dankeeee <3

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