Forgotten Gods - February 11th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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February 11th, 2010

Update for Eros Gone Wild [Feb. 11th, 2010|11:18 am]
Okay guys, a lot of you have responded! Which is great!!! I can't wait to throw out some randomicity here! But just to double check as some of you threw out quite a few, want to be sure these are the ones you most DEFINITELY want up for the random bowl. I also have the list of the wanted pairings. So check the lists and reply so that I know for sure who's in! I will reply on Saturday after the random matches have been made so that you know who is with whom. Once your character is paired you must work with it for Valentines Day. As stated before, after V-day the arrow's power wears off and you are free to do what you like with your characters from there. XD  Thank you!

List )
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[Feb. 11th, 2010|01:12 pm]
Hi all,

I know that some of you will find this girl vaguely familiar, but that most won't. This is Aliel, she is Nephilim, and thus part of the Christian Pantheon. She is the child of a Rephaim woman and an angel (Apollyon). Due to the manner in which she was conceived, unlike most Nephilim she is not considered 'fallen' and is not a part of the 'dark' side of the Pantheon, however because she is Nephilim she is also has no true place amongst Heaven's Host. This means that she is a free agent and one who was raised to do nothing more than destroy. (Her mother was a 'dead one' her father the angel of destruction) Thus she walks the line between the two and has a hard time turning down orders from either. She is grey, she stands between the candle and the star, between the darkness and the light.

When she's not working for one side or the other of her Pantheon, she's struggling to find a balance and learn how to be human, to find some sort of something that fulfills her. When she's not working for one side or the other, she teaches fencing lessons along with various other types of swordplay

--in addition to re-adding Aliel, I've dropped Steampunk, so if anyone would like to adopt her journal/pb and all whatever, just let me know.
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[Feb. 11th, 2010|01:58 pm]
Um. Hi!

I'm Fen, and new. This is Kerberos (or Cerberus), for all of your giant monster snakedog plotting needs. He's currently wandering the countryside, in canon form; he'll be passing out sometime tomorrow, waking up in human form, and freaking out.

... And I'm on AIM: turkeydactyl or cstelleri, or, if you want to plot? (Especially Hadesmun - I'm sorry, I've tried to get ahold of you; it looked like you had plans for Kerberos?)

Also, I am very shy. Judo, heeeelp.
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Gmail fail? [Feb. 11th, 2010|09:29 pm]
I'm not too sure if it's just me, but for whatever reason I can't access gmail. So if I'm missing anything feel free to swat me or something >.>

<3 Charlie
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Meme <3 [Feb. 11th, 2010|10:32 pm]

"OMG I LOVE YOUR _____": A RP Meme D'Amour : My Thread

Ok, so, this is just a big ego boosting meme, but who couldn't use an ego boost?

Just follow the link, you can post your own comment there and then leave the URL in the comments of this post so that people know where to find you (without scrolling through 5,000 some odd comments).

Happy Ego Stroking!

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