Forgotten Gods - January 23rd, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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January 23rd, 2010

the hiatus of epic fail (is now over! hopefully.) [Jan. 23rd, 2010|04:22 pm]
...okay, what was supposed to be a short break, turned into a much longer one due to various RL goings-on
(I blame the silly season, and the gifting of shiny new DVDs).

I apologise greatly, and promise that you shall see my kids out and about fairly shortly - thanks to my benevolent boss who decided we could take Monday off as well for Australia Day \o/

<3 Michelle
(and her rowdy bunch, who I can't be bothered writing out all their names)
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[Jan. 23rd, 2010|04:46 pm]
No I said, I don't need more characters. I have enough I said. Cuz I can barely keep up with them all. And then Circe was all like 'App Sekhmet it will be great.'

So, here she is in all her glory. Sekhmet, goddess of rightful vengeance, lady of plagues and all that happy stuff. She used to be a big time healer goddess, having her own Holy Triad in Memphis until Ra decided to go tell her to kill humanity. She got a bit carried away then >.>

Anyway her bio is here.

And if anyone would bring in Ra or Ptah I'd be willing to sell my first born to them >.>

Charlie <3 (Who is to lazy to list all her characters)
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MEME TIMES! [Jan. 23rd, 2010|08:02 pm]



I apologise in advance. I have no Glee gifs.

But what I have is a meme!

A'la fandomsecrets@LJ!

-- Reply to this post anonymously with your character's deepest, darkest secrets, either in text form, or fun "postcard" secret form! (Why yes, I am bored and looking for a reason to pop open PS on a Saturday night)

-- Reply with guesses as to whose secrets they are!

-- Reply ICly with whatever you'd like!

-- Have fun!

-- SPAM MY INBOX! (And no, I won't post mine first. That would be brutally obvious then, wouldn't it? XD)
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And then there was Hermes. [Jan. 23rd, 2010|08:53 pm]
It couldn't be helped. I had to eventually make a second character.

This is Manu (Adam's player) bringing you my second character, the Greek messenger God, Hermes.

I would, of course, love to play with any of the Greeks the most (Zeus and Iris especially), but I'm up for anything. His bio is here.
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[Jan. 23rd, 2010|09:20 pm]


So, yeah. I've had a couple months to think on it, and it seems pretty clear that I'm done here. As of now I am officially dropping Mordred, Sallie, Emory and Annika and moseying off into the sunset. \o
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