Forgotten Gods - January 13th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Forgotten Gods OOC

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January 13th, 2010

Request! [Jan. 13th, 2010|10:57 am]
I fear I'm going to be all the fuck over this OOC community until I get settled in, and for that, I apologize in advance. But this, this is important.

I have a request! I want to see if anyone would be interested in picking up...*drumroll please*....Piracy. He could have been born in ye old days of piracy, fading NEARLY to obscurity, and then experiencing a huge resurgence due largely to Internet Piracy and....Pirates of the Caribbean. I see him as being a somewhat burly tech geek who occasionally lapses into pirate vernacular and considers torrenting to be akin to raping and pillaging. Obviouslyyyy he and Internet would have plot...and I just think he would be a lot of fun to have around.

If anyone is interested and wants to work out plot or talk to me more about it, please feel free to reach me on AIM (YouJustSayBingo) or email me ( And mods, if you have a problem with this let me know and I will take it down post-haste.

-Elizabeth (Peyote [info]pushingbuttons and Internet [info]thewhimaffect)
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[Jan. 13th, 2010|04:11 pm]


Hey guys! I've been looking at this comm for awhile now and finally found a character I wanted to bring in. So here I bring Isis from the Egyptian Pantheon. I am all for AIM logging or Threading. I know some people prefer one over the other. I've attempted googledocs, but I don't remember how to use them so you will have to walk me through it if you prefer that. I am pretty much up for any sort of game play! It's why we are here right? Right.

Her bio is open! I have it up and running and ready for anyone to look at. I do have a few questions for the rest of the Egyptians. I tried to read over your apps before applying her, but I would like to hear what all she should/shouldn't know about their current lives. How do you guys want her to interact with your kid, that sort of thing! Ok let me know!


Aim: shawnicide
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Facebook [Jan. 13th, 2010|06:00 pm]
[mood | excited]

Hi all! This is my first character here and, although I’m no stranger to text-based roleplay, this is my first attempt at a journal-based RP game. Any advice, tips, hints, and “psst, yer doin it wrong!”s are very welcome to help me get the hang of things. I’m open to both AIM (niobe de noire) and journal scenes, but I’m new to using both for RP purposes so please bear with me during the learning curve. Anyone wanting to mentor a newbie?
Facebook, or Phoebe as she is currently known as, is the ultimate social networker, wrapped in a layer of vibrant nagging and annoyance. She’s talkative, a matchmaker, and is really, really, really good at wasting other people’s time on fun but ultimately meaningless conversations and activities.
I’ll happily RP with anyone, but I’d especially like to meet the other New Gods of the Internet persuasion. I figure she and MySpace probably have a few wagers on who will end up with the most users.
Below the cut are some RP hooks I’d be interested in exploring.

Looking foward to playing with you all! ~Bea

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[Jan. 13th, 2010|08:05 pm]
Greeks = the anti-drug.

Well, not really. But it's as good an excuse as any.

Day here, bringing in my fifth Greek. I'm not even going to bother saying she's my last, because that'd be lying. And lying is fun bad.

Harmonia is the Greek goddess of harmony and concord. She's the daughter of Ares and Aphrodite, which means she's the granddaughter of Zeus, the sister of Phobos, Deimos, Eros, and Adrestia, the niece of Athena, the grandmother of Dionysus...

She's pretty much related to everyone. (Not really.)

Up until very recently, Harmonia was in Elysium--the "paradise" portion of Hades that's reserved for special people (basically the spa portion of Greek Hell). But she's back from the dead and is now on a quest to find her family.

Fun facts about Harmonia:

- She's never been in a fist fight.
- She was given a cursed necklace by Hephaestus.
- Her daughter was burned alive by granddaddy Zeus. Totally unintentional, of course.
- Her favorite color is green.
- She's spent most of her life as a serpent.

Contact info remains the same, as does my open invitation for plotting with anyone and everyone. Yes, that means you. ♥

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Song-title Meme [Jan. 13th, 2010|09:50 pm]



Song-title Meme

Rules as follows:

1. Comment with your character
2. Others ask questions or make comment aimed at you
3. Your answer is given with a song title and nothing more
(Other person can choose to respond with another question/comment
or a song title, but the person who made the original comment has
to always answer with a song title)

Credit goes to Jilly for coming up with such a fun and awesome idea and letting me post it~ <3333 Thank you Jilly

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Oh christ, three OOC posts in two days. Sick of me yet? [Jan. 13th, 2010|11:01 pm]

It's Elizabeth again. Predictably, you lot convinced me to bring back my loveable monster...I know it took a lot of hard work on everyone's part to sway my steadfast decision to leave him out of the....aww, fuckit. We all know I wanted this. Anyway!

This here is Asterion, also known as The Minotaur, the half-man, half-bull monstrosity of Crete, son of a queen and a bull and slain by the heroic Theseus (PB; Heath Ledger). Or at least, that's what he is if one believes his myth. In truth, Asterion had the misfortune of being born terribly deformed in a society and time where such things were not understood. And human beings have a tendency to fear what they do not understand...Minos, the King of Crete, was no exception. When his son was born with such a terrible deformity, he had him relegated to the Labyrinth...a twisting maze that was to hold him. The citizens of Crete were told that he was a terrible monster who ate human flesh and required sacrifices, because if they were scared enough, they wouldn't traverse the winding halls of Daedalus' creation. This was all fine and good until Theseus came along, and in an effort to secure his badass hero status, he murdered the poor deformed soul who'd spent a lifetime locked away from sunlight, life, and humanity.

When belief in his myth brought him back, Asterion had changed. He was still the kind, sensitive man that had been locked away from the world...but he was also a monster, and each in equal proportion. He had the face that he should have been born with, perfect and unmarred, but now he fostered an evil force that was fully capable of using his now-normal body to murder and consume beings unfortunate enough to cross his path. Asterion struggled to come to terms with this and eventually did, spending his time as an artist of varying capacities and mediums, occasionally slinking off to...someplace "safe" where the beast would take over. There have been times when the monster took over for days, and other times for depends on many factors. Nevertheless, he has certainly learned to survive, and has been living in the United States since the 1800's. For more information about him, and more details regarding his nature and his history, please please please see his bio.

Now, for a few random notes. Because you know, I haven't rambled enough. )

If you have questions that weren't answered here or in his profile, you can poke me on AIM at YouJustSayBingo. But seriously, read his profile if you are curious because this intro doesn't do him any justice at all, and I've rambled far more than I should have already. I am off tomorrow, so I should be making an IC post for him, and maybe getting some plot going for him/my other kids? We'll see, we'll see. Sorry this got so long :[ I wanted to write more but that's because I am hopelessly verbose. I'm looking forward to getting this guy in the game and active! Hooray!!

Elizabeth (The Internet [info]thewhimaffect, Peyote [info]pushingbuttons, and The Minotaur [info]cantfindtheexit)
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