Forgotten Gods - December 31st, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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December 31st, 2009

[Dec. 31st, 2009|02:35 am]


The Greeks have stolen my will and dragged it to the underworld. I swear.

This is Makaria. She is the chthonian goddess of the blessed dead, daughter of Hades and Persephone. A gullible, free spirited girl who would rather enjoy all of the pleasures of the underworld from dancing in the asphodel fields to frolicking with some very nice heroes in Elysium. She's a little bit of a hedonist, always wanting to try new things, find new sensations, new things to touch and do and enjoy but currently that's put on hold as our heroine is a 'ward of the state'. She's an inmate of the Manhattan Psychiatric Institute though she's been given a bit of extra range and may be getting moved to a transitional residence soon. For now she has internet and telephone access, is allowed visitors and can go out on a day pass if she likes, provided she's been a good girl and taken her medication.

play, plottage, bsing is always welcome and I can be reached on aim at Kaimelarelle or on email at

♥ Crys
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Honey(s), I'm home. [Dec. 31st, 2009|09:00 am]

He's... dude, he's Adam. He's pretty much everything you would expect: a charming, rebellious trust-fund kid with an adulterous streak ten miles long and a penchant for demeaning the fairer sex. Feel free to slap the hell out of him.

I am especially looking for roleplay within the Christian/Hebrew pantheon at first, to get things rolling, but I'm willing to drop a scene with anyone. I prefer mostly AIM-played scenes to be posted later, since I'm a bit of the impatient type, but am willing to negotiate!

You can contact me on AIM as seiraryu.
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It's New Years, have a meme! [Dec. 31st, 2009|07:07 pm]


[mood | amused]
[music |Jay-z ft Kanye West and Rihanna - Run This Town]

Welp, it's New Years, and while some of us have awesome party stuff planned others of us got to work a 10 hour day and plan on getting pleasantly buzzed and toasting the New Year with their laptop. A special third set already celebrated NYE and feel I'm behind the times. Regardless, have a meme!

Yearbook Meme

-Post a comment here for each of your characters

-Other characters comment (IC or OOC/Anon or Not) with what they would vote your character as "Most likely to... For example, "Most likely to die cold and alone in a dark alley", or "Most likely to become a TV talk show host.

-Characters may also comment with what they would write in the back of another character's yearbook

-Characters can react to comments

Have fun, spam my inbox!

(swiped from Edensphere on LJ)
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