Forgotten Gods - December 23rd, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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December 23rd, 2009

Apology! [Dec. 23rd, 2009|03:45 pm]


Sorry to anyone I owe tags to! I've been really late in replies, and while I've updated a few characters, and replied to journals---the brain has been made of fail concerning log tags. >_< I'm stressin' over the holiday gifts and things I still have left to do. I've made a dent in the list, but still a ways to go. So, forgive me please anyone that's logging with Achilles, Ken and Robin (lookin at you Kendra, Circe, and Charlie). I'm pretty sure those are the only ones in tags as of now. I go home for the weekend---and hoping everyone has a wonderful CHRISTMAS/HOLIDAY depending on what you celebrate.

Sorry, Ren is made of fail. I will be more coherent with tags in a few days.


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[Dec. 23rd, 2009|05:50 pm]


[mood | insane]

Yeah yeah yeah, I'm obsessed with character making too.

This is Natalie Godfrey, a mortal of the completely god-unaware kind (although I'm betting that won't last all too long). She's a pilot by trade and works with the Red Baron and is rather close with him, although she obviously has no idea of who he really is. She's probably a bit of a regular around Watchtower Records as well.

I can still be caught on aim at heavyrockdiva for plottings for any of my kidlets, despite the fact that I'm on borrowed computers and am supposed to be having family times and not rping... *shifty*
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[Dec. 23rd, 2009|07:02 pm]
Attention Hell personnel that are still under Satan's rule/domain!

This is...very short notice, which I apologize for, but it's been holiday craziness so this kinda became last thing, but just wanted to bring it to your attention that the Anti-Christ and Evelyn Stuart's wedding will be held on Christmas Day, December 25th, which is this coming Friday.

There will be a thread up for the wedding on Christmas Day, if I can make it. It's totally understandable that not everyone's going to get to it on time, myself included, so most likely it'll stay open for some time after Christmas.

Questions, comments can be asked/place here!
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