Forgotten Gods - December 15th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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December 15th, 2009

[Dec. 15th, 2009|09:20 am]
Hi, I'm Simon and I'm an addict.

I have two new characters to add to your ranks:

1. Conspiracy Theories, aka John Smith. He's a radio show host, manages a couple of websites and forums and generally makes it a point to force his crackpot theories on everyone. Occasionally he can be dragged out from behind his computer and forced to put pants on, but don't hold your breath. I'm looking forward to bringing some sheer insanity to the game with this guy.

Wants to plot with: Cyber Warfare, Media, Atheism... and anyone else who has a lot of time and patience to spare.

Yes his PB is David Duchovny. No you may not call him Mulder. ...Unless you're Jess.

2. La Llorona, aka Marie Rios. ([info]crywithme) The Crying Woman of Mexican folklore. She's an Aztec woman sold into slavery to the Mayans, who ended up being Cortes' mistress and killed their two sons after he threatened to leave and take them with him back to Spain. She runs an orphanage just outside of New York City, near the water. Her favorite victims people are cheating husbands and children. She's having a grand ol' time watching the Tiger Woods debacle.

Wants to plot with: All the members of the "I've killed my children" club, Aztecs and men who happen to be currently cheating on their wives.

I may have another announcement to make Re: a couple of NPCs when I return home from work this afternoon, but as of right now, that's all I got for you.

Simon (Saint Sebastian, Nihilism, Nergal, Indie, Emo, Twee, Coyote, Mac, Opium, Conspiracy Theories and La Llorona)
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[Dec. 15th, 2009|04:08 pm]
Kodu here, bringing in my umpteenth eighth character, Eurus!

I'm new to this shiny Greek Pantheon, so don't bite?

He's part of the Anemoi, the East Wind, and is a pretty mellow guy. Unlike his siblings, he's not associated with any of the Greek seasons, and because of this is sort of a stand-alone kind of guy.

There are two aspects to Eurus’ personality. The first is the autumn; the golden crisp of life decaying in the sweetest of fashions, the balmy weather, the taste of a chill in the air. The second, most prominent part, is the rain, the drizzle, the mist that rises up in the early morning, the frost that clings to every chilled leaf once fall blends into winter.

He's a bit contradictory, and can be a downer (hence having been called "the unlucky wind" in the past). So. Anything I need to know about the Greeks before I dive head-first into shallow water? .__.


- Kodu (Gluttony, Asmodeus, Naamah, Roleplay, Alex Young, Loki, Raguel, and now Eurus!)
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OOC ~ Birthday wishes & fun tiemz. [Dec. 15th, 2009|09:14 pm]
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, VARI! If you've been wondering about my quietness in IMs for the past couple nights, the reasons are behind the cut. ;D <3! I know it's not til tomorrow, but, well, I'll be on a plane tomorrow, so. SO EARLY GOODIES FOR YOU. *flail, throws digital confetti, or something* Warning: Image Heavy!

How doth the little crocodile
Improve his shining tail,
And pour the waters of the Nile
On every golden scale!

How cheerfully he seems to grin,
How neatly spreads his claws,
And welcomes little fishes in
With gently smiling jaws! )
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