Forgotten Gods - December 3rd, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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December 3rd, 2009

[Dec. 3rd, 2009|12:00 am]


[mood |Getting too old to keep up]

Well, it's midnight here again, Wednesday/Thursday, and I didn't get much of an advanced notification of this so I didn't have time to prepare too many things magical. NEXT YEAR MAYBE

You don't get a happy birthday banner but you get a manip anywayz )


And if it's not your birthday you can blame Erynn and Dora for bullshitting to me 8D Though I'm pretty sure you said it's your 21st. That means you can legally go out and get shitfaced in America right? YOU SHOULD TOTALLY DO IT IN ARES FASHION

Anyway, you get some drabbles too 8D None of them have explicit content though. LET THIS BE A WARNING TO ALL OF YOU WITH TOO MANY CHRISTIANS. NO HEATHENS? NO PORN!

Aphrodite & Ares – Dolce )

Big Oil and Capitalism – Calando )

Greed & Pride – Rubato )
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[Dec. 3rd, 2009|04:44 pm]
Hey, guys. Sorry I've been so absent lately, I'm going through a bit of a period of ill health right now. I'm hoping it'll start getting better soon, and I should be around a bit more often.
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[Dec. 3rd, 2009|05:31 pm]


First off, thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes <3 You guys really have made my week so much better because of it!

Secondly, unfortunately because my birthday lies so close to end of semester at my uni, I've been given the presents of finals, papers, and final projects, oh my! So because of that, I will be slow and semi-hiatus until mid-December when everything's calmed down. For my own good, I will try to stay off of AIM and FG until I can crank out the majority of work for school. (Keyword here being "try".)

Just a heads up to those I'm interacting with now and the logs that I have with them in case I'm lagging majorly.

Thanks in advance for your patience <3
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