Forgotten Gods - November 24th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Forgotten Gods OOC

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November 24th, 2009

[Nov. 24th, 2009|01:51 am]


This is Thor.

Well no, this is Tim Roth shirtless, smoking and being sexy. But he is also Thor. Shirtless, smoking and being sexy.

ANYWAY. This time I blame Kodu.

I thought the name was smart at the time. I may regret it once I start confusing him with Poseidon.

-- LCP
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[Nov. 24th, 2009|12:34 pm]
For all of you Norse deities (and anyone else who wants to chime in)

Hel or Freyja? I really can't make up my mind. (Like anyone here is surprised)
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Hiatus [Nov. 24th, 2009|03:16 pm]



Thanksgiving marks the supposed Armageddon-esque completion of the Move of 1,000 Pains In The Arse, and unsurprisingly I'll be fairly hard to reach during these last agonizing pangs. Today also happens to be the inglorious day of my birth, ohhoho, thus the weekend is deeded to merry making, meat roasting, and the continued tradition doomed attempts to give lap dances in the seat of a Honda Civic.

Translation: hiatus.

In the matter of IG activities, Sato will be busy with Murasaki, Mischa is still asleep and off the radar, Allegra's MIA, and Elpis is hiding from Heph, wondering somewhere in the guts of the New York subway system.

Ciao, friendlies!

(PS: Since my brain keeps playing, Internet access notwithstanding, head over yonder if you'd like to sponsor a bit of drabble nonsense.)
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Silly meme time! [Nov. 24th, 2009|11:40 pm]


[mood | giggly]

How Would Your Character Give "The Talk" Meme!

1. Post with your character.
2. Other characters respond to yours.
3. Your character tells them about "the birds and the bees" ICly.
4. ???
5. Profit!

Remember kids! OOC memes do not translate to in game happenings!

(Swiped from Edensphere on LJ)
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